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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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I've been playing a lot of ESO recently, and it appears they have a very successful system in place in regards to their PvP campaigns. I won't go too much into detail, but it would be great to see something like that here. I don't think anyone would honestly care if you "copied" an aspect of another MMO; there are over a thousand games out there, and there's nothing that hasn't been done before.


While a Megaserver cannot be done, it would be cool to see a contested "world" become available with the new expansion. I know story is the new focus, but I would like to think that throwing a queue up on a planet with some WZ elements thrown in wouldn't be too time/resource consuming. If this queue could be cross server (if thats even a thing) you could just have each character register a "mission handle" or something like that so that each char could have their own unique identity without infringing on anyone's current name or legacy.

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