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Galactic Star League


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The Galactic Star League: Part 1


(Jetforce Gemini theme)


It's the semi-finals of the Hutt Ball tournament on Nar Shadda. The supercharged sport in an energy dampened arena that allows for the use of energy weapons without their normal lethal effects. The arena is semi illuminated by the floor lights that fill the winding and hazardous structure both teams compete in. The object is to bring the ball from one side of the arena to the other scoring a point for your team, while in the mean time dodging lasers and explosives from both the automated defenses and the opposing team. With a clean win streak the Galactic Star League faces The Rot Worms for a chance to face the Frog Dogs for this years championship. Their team Captain, Flash Dashing slides from a railing with the Hutt ball in his arms, he's a handsome and athletically built human with blonde hair and blue eyes. His cheesy smirk and unscared face, shows off his history of numerous flawless victory's. As he lands, he kicks a charging Rot Worm competitor and his team mate in the same uniform drops right next to him gripping a large blade. Hazard, a Cathar who wields an impressive master sword used in ceremony's of his people. His features are that of a strong and buff tank, his expression hardened and ready for battle on his tiger striped face. His one arm is mechanical from an old accident, but outfitted with razor sharp claws of steel. Two more Rot Worms bear down on them, as Flash runs for the goal, "Hazard, cut me a path!" "Not a problem!" He growls with a thundering charge at the two competitors, they both open fire. Hazard dodges the first volley and bashes one into the ground with his massive sword, but the other blasts him at point blank knocking him off his feet. Flash tumbles under his feet knocking the Rot Worm from his stance. He rolls around and draws his blaster just as Hazard pulls his opponent towards him while still laying on the ground and bashes him unconscious. "Hazard?!" Flash calls out. "Go, make the goal! ...I'm grounded." The Cathar says holding his chest. Flash takes off running and comes upon a few arena droids that try to ambush him, but with his uncanny skill to quick draw and hit with deadly accuracy allow him to quickly dispatch these machines within a blink of an eye. With the goal in sight, and the timer at 30 seconds left he see's and runs for the goal. One more and they will win this contest, suddenly another Rot Worm comes from around the goal marker and begins to open fire with his laser minigun, Flash dodges and tumbles to the side narrowly missing the onslaught. But the gunner continues to fire, "Trixie I could use some cover here!" Flash calls out in his helmet mounted communicator. "I had to re-position, I'm on it!" She tell him. Trixie Firecracker, a powerful and walking arsenal of bombs and weaponry. She has piercing green eyes that seems to glow like lifeless steel and fiery red hair. She slides down to one knee coming from a long run on the top railing, her uniform smoldering from the shootout she just came from, she drops and quickly takes aim with her sniper rifle and drops the cannon wielding Rot Worm a split second before his attacks hit Flash. "All clear." She says back in her mic. Flash leaps to his feet and runs for and makes the goal. The crowd cheers with excitement, The Galactic Star League is going to the Championship tournament! The obstructions raise from the arena and a crowd pours in and lifts Flash on their shoulders, "Flash Flash Flash!" They cheer. One of the women in the audience smiles and waves at him, "Forward! Take me to that beautiful girl over there!" He commands the crowd, Flash is carried over and set down before the blushing young woman, he looks deep into her eyes and smiles saying, "remember this day, you seen Flash win and give you a kiss." He then sweeps her off her feet with a big kiss, and she faints in his arms. He looks back for his team mates, and sees Hazard limping over to Trixie, who was covering her face shaking her head at his behavior. Flash jogs over to his team mates, "look at them, they love us!" "I see them." Hazard grumbles. "Let's just go collect our winnings, "Trixie says trying to hide her face from the crowd, as she slips back into the shadows. As they walk up the ramp to claim their prize from Fulgor the Hutt, people along the walkway still cheer for them, a girl crys out as Flash walks by, "Flash!!..Flash I want to have your baby!" Flash smiles and turns towards her, but Trixie pulls him back by his collar, "not now lover boy, I just want to get this over with and leave this planet as soon as possible!" Flash elbows her hand off and continues towards the Hutt, "your no fun." He groans under his breath. "Great, our victors. You have competed greatly in the tournament and have earned your prize well." The Hutt announces. "It should have come with my name engraved on it, obviously we where going to win!" Flash says as his takes the jeweled case. "Yes." The Hutt says with a bit of distaste from Flashes unceasing boasting. "The championship will take place in 2 weeks on Tatooine." He announces, with his slimy arms raised in the air. Still dripping goo from the creatures he had been stuffing himself with during the match. Suddenly a voice calls out from the crowd, "death to the Hutts!" A blast rings out and Fulgor his knocked off of his recliner. Blaster fire and explosions begin to fill the stadium. Flash and his team begin to open fire back as a battle begins to form blocking their exit. Suddenly they hear chains clanking behind them, and all three turn with weapons drawn, from around the curtain where the Hutt laid dead an unearthly beautiful slave girl emerges, she had raven black hair big dark eyes and feline ears protruding from the top of her head. She was soft and looked like a papered trophy like most slave girls owned by the Hutts. Behind her gently swayed a long tail that seem to sway with her movements. "Please help me, release me from these bonds!" She crys, raising her chained wrists towards them. "Whoah!" Flash calls out in an enchanted stare, his chin nearly dropping to the floor. "Forget it, we don't have time for excess bagged!" Trixie exclaims taking down a few more thugs with her rifle. Suddenly a blast rings out behind her, she turns to see Flash releasing her and scooping her up in his arms saying. "Your hero is here darlin'." She kisses him and he smiles, "hell yeah, you are welcome." Trixie stomps her foot and begins to tell him off, "NO and no! We aren't bringing on board another one of your harems..." Suddenly the Colosseum collapses leaving them trapped inside. "Crap!" She concludes from the grief of the situation. "What now boss?" Hazard asks. "I know a way out, it's an emergency escape door Fulgor uses." The slave girl shyly tells them. "Put her down Flash...alright, lead the way!" Trixie orders shoving her a bit. "Oh, uh, this way." She says, nervously leading them on. The corridor is large and lined with decore and spoils from around the galaxy. Hutts tend to indulge themselves in luxury's anywhere they can get it. They get to a sealed door, and the slave girl points to it, this leads to his speeder station. "Great work, what is your name?" Flash asks. "You want to know my name?" She says nearly squeaking with hero worship, "I'm Pantera, I love to watch you play, your so cute." The girl says blushing so much she hides her face. "Of coarse you do, I'm Flash Dashing!" The door is suddenly is kicked open by Trixie, "we are leaving with or without you!" Hazard leers at Flash shaking his head as he exits. The battle still goes on around the arena, they duck and sneak around trying to stay clear of attention, Trixie slices one of the speeders and they all climb aboard, and take off. "Stay down!" Trixie yells back at them, as some of the Hutts guards notice them and begin to fire their direction. Pantera screams and cringes with every explosion and blast that hits around them, "shut her up!" Trixie yells" Flash embraces her, "it's ok miss this is isn't the first time we left a planet like this." They finally make it to their docked star ship, the Star Defender. It is a light gunship with forward cannons integrated into the front with a manned turret on top. Decorated with their teams logo and colors, white, red and gold. The hatch opens up by the wing and a slim girl emerges with large blonde ponytails and a tool belt around her waist, Andromida, Flashes twin sister. She sees them unloading from a shot up Luxury speeder, "we in trouble again?" "There was a hit on the Hutt, a skirmish broke out during the award ceremony." Hazard answers as he trudges up the ships ramp. Flash jumps down and takes up Pantera, carrying her towards the ship. "It was a great victory!" He announces. Andromida watches them walk by and asks, "I see you decided to bring back a souvenir." Trixie walks past adding, "don't ask." Andromida giggles, "it's Flash I wouldn't expect anything less!" With everyone aboard, Andromida seals up the hatch and Flash takes to the cockpit for their departure. "Have a seat behind me Pantera." Flash adds. As they begin to lift off, a transmission begins to come in, Trixie takes the co-pilots seat and reads it, "its...the Sith! They are telling us we don't have clearance to leave." Pantera touches her forehead as if coming out of a trance and looks around for a moment. Then as if she had just realized something, she suddenly blurts out. "No! Get me out of here! I can't let them get me!" The two look back at her surprised, then at each other. Trixie raises a suspicious eyebrow, then continues with her operations. "Plot us a coarse out of here quickly!" Flash orders. "Hazard, man the guns, it might get bumpy until I get us a coarse plotted!" Trixie relays over the intercom. As they break through the planets outer atmosphere they are met by a couple cruisers and some fighters, they all begin to open fire on them. With what seems like unimaginable skill, Flash evades the incoming lasers like a true Ace. The forward cannons tear into the larger ships every time he can get a clear shot. Hazard begins to take out the small craft with his turret. "I have it, lets go!" Trixie yells. Just as they punch the hyper drive they are struck, causing their coarse to unknowingly be off as the hyper drive engages.


To be continued...

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