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SGR Companions with KotFE?


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To be clear, they never promised this. In fact the only statement they made was that they would NOT go back and change the existing companions to include this. It was incorporated into both RotHC and SoR in the form of Lana/Theran and whatever the Makeb people's names are.
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Actually, they did.


Due to the design constraints of a fully voiced MMO of this scale and size, many choices had to be made as to the launch and post-launch feature set. Same gender romances with companion characters in Star Wars: The Old Republic will be a post-launch feature. Because The Old Republic is an MMO, the game will live on through content expansions which allow us to include content and features that could not be included at launch, including the addition of more companion characters who will have additional romance options.

Edited by Palar
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I hope they have SGR in this expansion :tran_smile:


Well, there will be at least a girl-girl SGR companion. Unless they're removing whatever relationship you built up Lana before KOTFE. If Theron is in as a companion, that takes care of the other side. I guess the question is, will there be other options. Will new companions be done DA:II style and everyone is bisexual? hm...

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Well, there will be at least a girl-girl SGR companion. Unless they're removing whatever relationship you built up Lana before KOTFE. If Theron is in as a companion, that takes care of the other side. I guess the question is, will there be other options. Will new companions be done DA:II style and everyone is bisexual? hm...


I'd like a female Light Side SGR... All my female characters are LS and might not be a good match for Lana. Both my male characters are married, one DS one Neutral... It's ironic that I finally get a SGR and she's actually a better match for my married men :p


If she's the only SGR and has become more Dark-leaning I'll just make a neutral/DS female character specifically for her.

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I'd like to know if, with the expansion, will we finally have the long promised ability to romance same-gender companions (likely post level 60) ?



yeah, that would be great.

I can see fleet general chat and all the lollitrools saying how they porked Corso, Skadge and Jorgan without any lube.

Female SGR okay, all you fruity pebbles suckers can stay in the airlock.

Edited by IslanderRebel
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Actually, they did.


There were lots promises made during early 2012. I really wouldn't take any as gospel or promises. See hood toggle, expanded legacy system, better open world pvp, etc.


That said, it seems likely they will have it during this expac in Lana at the very least.

Edited by Nickious
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There were lots promises made during early 2012. I really wouldn't take any as gospel or promises. See hood toggle, expanded legacy system, better open world pvp, etc.


That said, it seems likely they will have it during this expac in Lana at the very least.


Gospel? No. But it is the last definite answer they gave, rather than vaguely-worded nothing.

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Actually, they did.


if you read that quote carefully - they said NEW companions in FUTURE content.


Lana is currently available for sgr and she is going to be a companion in expansion (and contrary to my own advice I can't help, but hope that that particular romance could be rekindled). so.. that is within their original promise. they never promised that existing companions will be available for sgr, only future ones.


now. there is still a chance that new romances will be added with old companions in new content. bioware HAS done that before. personally, I'd rather they didn't, but not like I can change whatever they decide to do in a future.


I'm just saying that people might not want to expect that old companions will be available. becasue if they are not - you will only be disappointed, and if they are - pleasant surprises are much more fun to deal with than disappointments due to crushed expectations.

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if you read that quote carefully - they said NEW companions in FUTURE content.


Lana is currently available for sgr and she is going to be a companion in expansion (and contrary to my own advice I can't help, but hope that that particular romance could be rekindled). so.. that is within their original promise. they never promised that existing companions will be available for sgr, only future ones.


now. there is still a chance that new romances will be added with old companions in new content. bioware HAS done that before. personally, I'd rather they didn't, but not like I can change whatever they decide to do in a future.


I'm just saying that people might not want to expect that old companions will be available. becasue if they are not - you will only be disappointed, and if they are - pleasant surprises are much more fun to deal with than disappointments due to crushed expectations.


God I hope not just NEW, personally I like the current crew romances and I would want to have the choice of SGR with them and NEW.


I have been off and on this since launch, and I play female characters, at first I was really surprised that SGR was not included on launch .. So.. took a look at who could be romanced....hated all the male romance options but one..

Aric is a hunk :}


Its like this for me ;/ and its an issue for sure. The romance options are 90% of what gender my PC is. The Story of this game is the reason I play. I am so uncomfortable playing a male PC.. so I recreate my female PC...cant stand the romance options.. recreate a male PC.. cant stand playing as a male...recreate... repete


I have honestly STOPED playing this game cause I cant SGR...and that's so lame...


Anyone know when the last OFFICAL notice was on this issue?


Cause I don't want to put 1000's hours into this if its not ever going to happen...that would just be sad...

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