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Unusual Eggs Not Clickable


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The eggs are floating about 2 feet above each of the nests and are unclickable. It is like this with all the nests on Alderaan and has been for several weeks. Not sure when it started but I've been checking them multiple times a day for the last 3 weeks.


Getting hungry without my Orokeet omelets each morning :w_tongue:

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There are usually two eggs in each nest: One egg is clickable and gives you the item, the other one does nothing and is just there for show. This is working as intended. Sounds like you were just unlucky and someone farmed the eggs before you, or maybe the spawns are broken. I just got an egg a few weeks ago so it was working fine for me back then.
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In each nest I see two eggs, both are levitating above the ground and both are unclickable. I have collected the eggs several times in the past for my alts. I've been trying to collect them over the last few weeks for a guild event I'm running next week and in all that time not one egg has been clickable.


I've brought other guild members to the nests to see if they could click them and none have been able to. There used to be loads on the GTN as well but those have all dried up which is another sign for me that others haven't been able to click them.


Server: Tomb of Freedon Nadd

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