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Marauder Weak


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The Marauders defence is based solely on killing the enemy before they kill you. Along with the obvious 'make sure your gear/mods are upto date (within 5 levels of your current level), also use a DPS companion & keep its gear up to date (mods & adaptable gear are the best way to do this is utilizing the x12 bonus). Tank & healer companions are generally worthless for a Marauder.
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Tank & healer companions are generally worthless for a Marauder.

I don't agree. I actually find a healer companion to perform way better than a DD one. DD comps don't do nearly as much damage as you do even if geared on par. I leveled my main to 50 with Jaesa, then I switched to Malavai to try him out as a healer and he was so much easier to play with, though not as interesting, cause with Jaesa I had to actually use some tactics to beat some nasty boss. Today you probably won't have any problems, cause there's a ton of commendations dropping, but back after the game start you basically used any green/blue gear you could find while progressing through the story and companions just got the scraps.

Edited by Kadra
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Tank & healer companions are generally worthless for a Marauder.


This is absolutely false. Healer is just as good with marauder as with other classes. My main character is a marauder and I regularly use Quinn the healer as my companion of choice to avoid dying to accidental extra aggro. Sure you can beat enemies faster with a dps companion, but you will spend more time resting that way. Healer would be my pick for a companion during leveling.


Having difficulty in PVE leveling can be a result of many things, that are difficult for us to determine when answering someones posts:

- bad gear

- bad gear on the companion (the most common condition)

- trying to battle NPCs that are too high level in comparison

- Not resting between mobs

- pulling extra aggro

- just don't know how to play


Overall NPC mobs during leveling are quite easy outside Makeb and few special locations, and I cant imagine any of the classes would have been nerfed to such extent that they would have trouble with those, assuming they know how to play the game.

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