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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Decorations need their own Hypercrates

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Putting a few random decorations into the more recent lines of hypercrates is making the items too rare, and is frustrating for those of us who are only after decorations and don't want all the other items. Please consider adding releases of Crates/Hypercrates that are more focused on the Decorations and maybe forgo the Armor and some of the other stuff.
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While i support this, im sure there would be complaints from other quarters if there were only decos in a pack, i can see it now...


"What the... why are there only decorations in this pack, why did you waste time with just decos when you could have been designing a new micro bra and panties for me to put Mako/Vette/Kira/Jarsa/Elara in, fail bioware!"



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I would like a few purely deco packs, but I'd be happy enough with more of the bundles, like the Imperial Essentials one or the The Arneclin Masterpieces. I suppose they could release a larger version of those bundles that way decorators could get a large variety of decorations without taking up a pack.
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I'd love to see more of those. I mean, each time a hypercrate comes out, where are the prices? Where are the desirable items? Mounts, one or two outfits, and decorations. So more decorations in a hypercrate, decorations in every pack, or extra decoration bundles = good.
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However they do it, they need to find some way of making decorations available enough that you can at least create matching rooms in your strongholds. This was very possible with the stronghold packs, but since the change in the pack contents it has become incredibly difficult. Either let us buy copies of things we already have for a CC fee each copy, or make packs work like stronghold packs again, or release decos in their own packs.
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i agree they could do a pack that had only decoration items from the last few packs.


I get the whole disbanding of a pack for armor but there are some decorations that can now no longer be purchased because the pack is gone.

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While i support this, im sure there would be complaints from other quarters if there were only decos in a pack, i can see it now...


"What the... why are there only decorations in this pack, why did you waste time with just decos when you could have been designing a new micro bra and panties for me to put Mako/Vette/Kira/Jarsa/Elara in, fail bioware!"




I would envision these as a new type of Deco Oriented pack that would exist besides the current Armor oriented packs. Maybe it would even have non-deco items in it, like the current packs do, but just more heavily favor decorations,

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How about making a second set of packs to go along with each shipment that contain nothing but decorations from that shipment.


They wouldn't need to take decorations out of the regular packs, but people could buy the deco-only packs at a significantly reduced price.


Everybody wins!

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How about making a second set of packs to go along with each shipment that contain nothing but decorations from that shipment.


They wouldn't need to take decorations out of the regular packs, but people could buy the deco-only packs at a significantly reduced price.


Everybody wins!


Yay! Unfortunately, that'd mean a pack without garbage, and that probably doesn't happen in RNG universe.

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Yay! Unfortunately, that'd mean a pack without garbage, and that probably doesn't happen in RNG universe.


They would also have to refund those that only wanted the decor mostly that took the risk to gamble them in said packs as well, but that will never happened.

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While i support this, im sure there would be complaints from other quarters if there were only decos in a pack, i can see it now...


"What the... why are there only decorations in this pack, why did you waste time with just decos when you could have been designing a new micro bra and panties for me to put Mako/Vette/Kira/Jarsa/Elara in, fail bioware!"




They can easily do both. We already have some packs that are focused on decorations. It's just that they aren't as appealing as the ones in the original cartel packs.

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