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Grey Jedi Order: Chapter 4 Escape


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A Jedi Temple Guard was leading an astromech and a protocol droid down one of the corridors "Alright you droids, come on."


"Is this really necessary?"


"Yes, C2-N2. It's standard procedure for all droids being re-purposed for the Jedi Order."


"Owner + smuggling + gambling + debts = bad for droids," beeped the astromech as it turned the corner.


"Yes, T7-55. What was our master thinking--trying to pay off a Jedi with us droids?!" C2-N2 throw its red metallic arms in the air. "Why couldn't we get a position with a senator or a noble from Alderaan?"


The droids and the Temple Guard stopped at the lift's sliding door. As the temple guard press a button to summon the lift to stop at their level, the lift that was carrying Ian and the Temple guards began to slow down.


As the lift came to a halt, Ian decided now was the time to act. Once the sliding door opened to reveal the level to them, Ian Force pushed himself away from the two guards behind him and tackled the two in front of him.


"Oh my!" C2-N2 shouted as he shuffled away in time for the Jedi guards and Ian to land on the ground.


Ian rolled from the tackle and kicked the guard that was with the droids. The Temple guard slammed against the wall and fell unconscious. Turning to face the two guards he tackled, he waited for them to draw their lightsaber lances. Once they did he charged them. One of the guards swung his lightsaber lance over head-- exactly what Ian was hoping for. With his hands still clamped together, he placed them in front of him just right so the energy blade sliced right down the middle. The clamps were cut cleanly through; freeing Ian's hands.


Wasting no time, Ian used the Force to take back his lightsabers the two guards, who were still staggering from the impact of the Force push, had on them and hilt bashed the closest Temple guard in the face. The rogue Jedi followed through with a back kick to the side of the neck--sending the guard spiraling to the ground.


Two down. Three to go. He thought as he activated his lightsabers. The two Temple guards, who were still in the elevator lift, recovered and joined the third one, with their lightsaber lances drawn.


"Don't resist, Ian Mount. You'll only makes this hard for you," warned one of the Temple guards.


"I'll take my chances!" Ian jumped over the three Temple guards and started exchanging blows with them. Their blades cut the walls and floor as they went back and forth across the corridor. One of the guards stopped right in front of T7-55. Without warning, T7 stuck out one of its arms with an electric pike and shocked the guard; causing him to collapse.


"T7! What are you doing?! He was a Jedi!"


"Rogue Jedi + Distraction = Opportunity." T7-55 beeped in response.


"Oh...I see...Carry on then..."


T7-55 rolled over to one of the computer access panels and stuck out its computer interface arm. It than began accessing the controls.


Meanwhile, Ian was being forced back towards the lift that he had just recently got out from. He blocked a strike to his side with his brother's lightsaber and was readying to block another strike with his when he mistimed the swing and ended up having his own lightsaber cut in half. Now down to wielding just one lightsaber, Ian looked like he was going to be back into the corner, when T7-55 whistled and beeped happily. Picking up what the astromech was trying to do, Ian jumped once more over the two remaining Temple guards and landed on the other side of them. Deactivating his lightsabers, Ian Force pushed them into the elevator. T7 then ordered the door closed and sent the elevator up.


"Nice idea, astromech,: Ian said as he walked up to the T7 unit and padded it n it's metal head. T7-55 whistled happily.


C2-N2 approached the rogue Jedi. "Greetings, Master Jedi. I am C2-N2, human-cyborg relations. The astromech is called T7-55. We would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity of freeing ourselves from the Temple guard's captivity. They were going to have out memory cores wiped!"


"I see. So you're also looking for a way out. Think we can work together to get out of here? It won't be long before the Jedi Council senses that I've escaped. We need to move quickly."


T7-55 whistled and beeped a few times. "Jedi + Droids = Awesome team."


"True, it would greatly increases our chances of escaping by---"


"Great. Fives, can you look for a docked starship we can 'borrow'?" Ian interrupted.


T7-55 whistled happily at his new nickname "Fives" and began searching the database for any starship that was docked at the temple. Fives chirped in success as he reported he found one Defender-class light corvette docked in one of the the main hangers that is currently being fueled and resupplied.


"Good job. Now, to change out of these robes," Ian replied as he shifted his attention to one of the unconscious temple guards that was shocked by Fives, earlier.




Ian adorned the robes and mask of a Temple guard and had the droids follow him to another lift. From there they made their way down to the hanger. Without warning, the lift stopped abruptly.


"Not...good..." Ian stated as alarms started to resound through the temple.


"Oh dear!" said C2, worried.


"Fives, this will be a good time to override the locks on the elevator."


Fives chirped and began accessing the elevator. Moments later they began to move again and managed to reach the floor.


Ian allowed the droids through first before the comlink he took from one of the guards started to beep. Taking it from the belt he listened in.


"Attention all Temple guards, A Jedi going by the name 'Ian Mount' has escaped custody. He must not be allowed to leave the temple!"


"Well, that didn't take long." Ian placed the comlink back on his belt and met with the droids that were stopped by two Republic soldiers.


"Sorry, but no one is permitted to enter the hanger."


Ian stepped in front of the droids. "I know about the escaped Jedi. I'm here to drop off the droids into the starship docked here and rejoin my fellow Jedi in the search."


The two soldiers came to attention and saluted. "Sir!" They stepped aside and allowed Ian and the droids to pass.


"Fives, get the ship's engines running. C2, you go with." The droids complied and not a moment too soon, because back where the two Republic soldiers were, were eight Temple Guards rushing past and entering the hanger.


'Halt!" shouted on of the Temple guards.


Not wanting to let them reach the ship, Ian looked for something that wouldn't kill them, but slow them down. He scanned the stockpile of barrels and noticed one that caught his eye.


As the Temple guards with their activated lightsaber lances ran towards the rogue Jedi, Ian began throwing crates and barrels at them. After they were crowded together, he lifted the barrel that he spotted using the Force and lunged at them. The Temple guard sliced it in two, releasing a cryo explosion that froze all of the Temple guards.


Even though he successfully ensnared the Temple guards, Republic soldiers started to swarm in; firing at him and at the starship. Ian activated his lightsaber and deflected several blaster bolts as he retreated into the starship as it closed it's hatch and spun around to take off. Ian made his way up the durasteel steps and made his way to the bridge. Fives was already controlling navigation while C2 was in the pilots chair.


"C2, I'll takeover form here."


"As you wish, Master Jedi."


"C2, It's 'Ian Mount'," Ian replied as he took the helm.


"Master Mount, it is then." C2 took over as co-pilot.


"Fives plug in the coordinates I'm sending you and warm up the warpdrive. We're going to have starfighters on our tail any minute now and I want to punch out of here as soon as we're ready."


Fives whistled an affirmative.


As Ian and the droids flew through the the air and broke into orbit, starfighters were being sent from the Jedi Temple in pursuit. They immediately started to open fire on the starship. Ian felt the imapct of the blaster fire eating away at his shields.




Fives turned its head around. "Good work + precise calculations = patience."


"Great~" Ian responded as he dove under the underbelly of a Republic capital ship and over a Hammerhead-class cruiser.


"Master Mount, the chances of us surving this are--"


"C2, don't give me the odds!" snapped Ian as he spiraled the starship out of the way of a luxury barge.


The Jedi starfighters continued gaining on Ian's tail, as they hammered away on his shields.


"C2, see if we don't have something to disable those fighters. I rather not have to vape any of them."


C2 looked over his panel. "Oh dear, I wasn't meant for this." Fives, beeped a few times to C2.


"Oh, this one here?" C2 pointed to a button on his panel. The astromech whistled an affirmative.


"Alright, sorry about this!" C2 hit the button and the cannons on the side of the starship rotated around and switched their blaster cannons to ion cannons. Once they were switched to automated, they opened fired on the squadron of fighters. All but a couple manged to avoid the first wave of fire. The fighters began falling back and giving Ian more room to maneuver.


"Fives, anytime now...! "


Fives, whistled in victory. "Coordinates punched + Warpdrive ready = Time to leave."


"Music to my ears!" Ian shouted in relief. He grabbed hold of the warpdrive controls and jumped into hyperspace.


Table of Contents for Chronicles of Jedi Knight, Ian Mount: Link

Edited by Koichi
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