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Grey Jedi Order: Chapters 1 and 2 Twisted Fate


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Year: Around 3,658 BBY (Almost 5 years before The Sacking of Coruscant.)

Location: One of Alderaan's cities


"Incoming!" a Republic soldier shouted as a blast of artillery fire streamed overhead and ignited the ground. Debris and bodies were thrown and crushed over the weight of the blast. As the fumes from burning buildings clouded the sky, ash fell over the city from the tall buildings surrounding it. Rushing through the debris on swoop bikes, two Jedi warriors charged into the thick of the battle between the Republic and the newly reformed Sith Empire. Lightsabers drawn, they cut through a group of Empire soldiers and jumped off their bikes into the air, sending the two bikes into an enemy tank, stopping it in its tracks. As they started to fall to the ground, the two Jedi each threw a bag of thermal grenades into an enemy entrenchment where the artillery was located and landed just behind a destroyed Republic tank. As the enemy soldiers and Sith warriors tried to clear out of the trench, the grenades detonated, killing several soldiers and Sith in and around the trench, and destroyed the artillery bunker.


"That worked!" said one of the younger Jedi as he peered over from cover and looked at the work the explosives did to the trench.


"Keep your wits about you Bryan. We are not out of danger yet!"


"I always do, Ian," Bryan responded, patting his older brother on his shoulder. Ian wasn't only his older brother, but his master. Both from Naboo, they were the only two family members left. It was only by chance that they would be selected as Master and Padawan. Ian and Bryan abandoned cover and ignited their lightsabers. They jumped into a group of Sith warriors who had survived the explosion and started cutting them down one at a time. As one Sith warrior swung his crimson lightsaber close to Ian's face, Ian heard his earpiece make a quick click and heard a familiar voice.


"General Mount, you're too far out! Fall back!" It was Lieutenant Greene. Greene was a Zabrak who Bryan knew since the two brothers were first stationed on Alderaan several months ago. He had tribal tattoos over his face and horns protruding from his scalp. They have been through several skirmishes, but nothing like this.

Ian kicked the Sith warrior who had tried to sever his head and threw his lightsaber into the Sith warrior's chest, melting through his armor and impaling him. Using the Force, Ian pulled out the lightsaber and reversed his hand grip to change the direction of the saber and spun around, decapitating another Sith warrior.


Ian placed two fingers on his earpiece and spoke, "Negative, Lieutenant. If we let the Empire get any further into the city, we'll be surrounded. We need to cut our way through and make an escape route for the other forces."


"There are no other forces, General..."


"What?" breathed Ian, stopping in his tracks. Bryan had dispatched the last two remaining Sith warriors and was tuned into the same channel.


"The Empire's forces have broken through all our east, west, and northern lines. We are the only ones left!" Ian paused as he jogged over to an abandoned outside cafe that had a view of the main street leading to the center of the city. Enemy forces were merging into the city center and were closing in on Lieutenant Greene's position from the south.


"How many of your men are still alive?" Ian asked without moving his eyes away from the approaching forces.


"Out of thirty, sir...five..." Ian took is finger off his earpiece and slammed his fist against the stone wall that he was leaning over. Bryan stayed quiet as he watched and heard his brother whispered something under his breath.


“What am I supposed to do now...?”


After a moment, Ian collected himself and placed his finger on his earpiece again. "Withdraw to my position, Lieutenant. We'll pull out and join up with the Republic Special Forces that are encamped in the forest near the capital city."


"Yes sir!" Ian took his finger off his earpiece slowly and walked down the steps. His armor made a clanking noise as he met Bryan's eyes. Ian said nothing and placed his hand on Bryan's right shoulder, then let his hand drift off it as he continued walking.


"Ian... how are we-" Bryan was cut off as Ian stopped abruptly, turned around, and drew his lightsaber and ignited it. A blue beam of light shot up from its hilt. Ian then pulled his hood over his head.


"Our only option is to cut our way through." Ian took out his earpiece and placed it back into his com-link on his lower arm. He then waved over to Lieutenant Greene and the remaining Republic soldiers as they came jogging towards him. Bryan stared at Ian's back, then looked down at his lightsaber and lifted it to eye level while facing the no fallen city they were in charge of defending.


“Guardians of Peace...What good are Guardians in times of peace when they are needed more in times of war?”

Bryan ignited his lightsaber and made his way to where Ian and Greene's men were heading. As they made their way through the outskirts of the city, a screeching sound roared overhead. That sound gave even the most experienced Jedi or soldier a stir. It was not coming from any Republic fighter or shuttle. As they looked over the tree line, what they saw made each one of them feel a cold chill run down their spines. Over the tree line was the Empire's fleet coming over from the mountains. Ian and Greene exchanged glances as Greene removed his helmet.


Before Ian or Greene could say something to the rest of the men, one of the troopers was suddenly thrown past them and another was hit with an intense array of lighting. As the lighting subsided, the soldier’s body continued to writhe violently as it began to fall to the ground; smoke spewed through cracks in the soldier's armor. Everyone turned around and saw a Sith Lord with her mask on and accompanied by a small force of soldiers.


"Going somewhere, Jedi?" The female Sith said as she signaled to her soldiers to surround Ian and his group. The enemy soldiers formed an arc and took aim. The female Sith walked slowly in front, holding her deactivated double lightsaber. As she walked closer, her black and red robes waved across the charred ground. The visor on her mask reflected Ian the rest of the group’s reflection.


Greene and the three remaining troopers closed ranks around Bryan and Ian and were ready to open fire at any moment. Bryan held his lightsaber right in front of himself, ready to defend his brother, who simply stared at the masked Sith Inquisitor.


Ian touched his forehead with his hand as if he had a headache. This feeling...I’ve felt this presence before....


Bryan made the first move. He gathered the Force and jumped into the air. His robes whipped to one side from the strong wind that started to blow. He threw his lightsaber with the force and cut down two of the enemy soldiers. On his descent, he aimed to land right where the Sith warrior stood. While he guided his burning blue lightsaber back over towards him, he grabbed his other lightsaber from the back of his belt and activated it. Bryan caught the other lightsaber and prepared to slash the Sith with both weapons with all his might. At the same time, Ian had stopped rubbing his head and threw his own weapon, but was only able to wipe out three more enemy soldiers and Force-pushed another two through a ruined building and forced it down on them as he recovered his lightsaber. Greene and the other troopers opened fire.


Bryan came down hard on the Sith, but right at the last moment the Sith warrior lit her double saber. Burning violet, the double lightsaber blocked Bryan's attack. The lightsabers made sparking noises as both Force users pressed to gain the upper hand. The Sith warrior just remained silent as Bryan stared into the woman's visor.


"Is that all you Inquisitors got?" Bryan taunted as he pressed even harder against her. The Sith warrior's hand started to spark purple that turned into a full force lighting attack. Bryan received a full lighting blow and went flying back towards Ian who was deflecting bolts while covering Greene and his men. The Sith warrior used the Force to pick up a destroyed astromech and threw it across the field at Bryan, who was struggling to get up. Ian, at the last moment, jumped in front of the astromech which struck him in the chest and sent him flying into a pile of rubble.


"General Mount!" Greene shouted as he tried to get over to where Ian had landed, but had to duck back behind cover due to enemy fire. Losing Ian's covering, two of the remaining troopers were shot and killed on the spot as the remaining enemy soldiers started closing in. Greene unhooked a thermal grenade from his utility belt and lugged it right where the enemy soldiers were the thickest. The explosion from the grenade took out most of the remaining troops. Lieutenant Greene and the remaining Republic troopers finished off the last two Empire soldiers and changed their power-cell clips to begin spraying blaster-bolts at the Sith warrior who simply deflected them. Using the Force, she lifted a slab of metal from a fallen building and used it to block several bolts, then hurled it at the two Republic troopers. Greene jumped out of the way just in time, but the other trooper took the blow head on and was killed instantly by the impact.


Greene tried desperately to get back on his feet. He was on his hands and knees when he felt the back of his armor plating melt. Then something very hot and very bright entered his body and out through his chest. The Sith warrior had jumped into the air and thrust her double lightsaber into Greene's back. Greene tried to let out a yell of pain, but only managed to gasp as the Sith woman took out her saber. Greene’s hands instinctively tried to cover where the saber had come out from his chest but before even looking back at the Sith, his eyes rolled up, and he slowly fell lifeless to the ground.


The Sith woman was about to turn around when she felt a strong Force-Push hit her on her side, sending her sliding across the battle-worn streets. Bryan had regained his balance and was charging at the Sith woman with both lightsabers in hand. While Bryan charged at the inquisitor, Ian had shaken off the impact of the blow he had taken, thanks to the Guardian armor he had on over his robes. He watched for a moment as Bryan engaged in a flourish of blows with the Sith warrior. Ian stood up from the rubble and spotted his lightsaber several yards away from him. Summoning the force, Ian leaped into the air and used the Force again to have his lightsaber shoot into his hand. With a battle cry, Ian activated his lightsaber and landed hard, much harder than Bryan had done. The force of the impact sent the Sith warrior to her knees, breaking the ground underneath her.


"You will not take him, you *****!" Ian said, as he parried her saber and kneed her straight in the face, breaking her mask. The woman quickly jumped away from the two Jedi as she felt the last pieces of her mask fall from her face, revealing herself. Ian stopped dead in his tracks.


"Analah!?" Ian lowered his lightsaber for just a moment from shock. Analah cleared away the remaining pieces of her mask from her face and removed her cloak.


"Yes, Ian. It’s me!" Analah shouted at him. Ian flashed back to his Jedi Academy days at the temple, remembering his meeting with Analah another human who, at the time, was a Padawan like him. They had been close since they met during their training at the Academy and eventually their friendship developed into something more. For a few years they met in secret, away from the Jedi Temple and spent time together in the busy cities of Coruscant. It wasn't long until they were discovered. Both Analah and Ian met before the Grand Jedi Council. Ian would have been kicked out of the Order if not for his strong connection to the Force, his skill with a lightsaber, and his connection to Jedi Masters who vouched for him to remain in the Order. Analah was not as fortunate. Ian remained in the Jedi Order, but Analah was cast out.


Returning to the present, Ian looked at her, taking in how much she had grown, at how much more beautiful she had become. Especially how far she had fallen to the Dark Side. Dark clouds started to cover the sky and the Empire's fleet had started flying over the city. Ian and Bryan still had their lightsabers on as the whole area started to darken.


"Why, Ian...why didn't you come after me?" Analah asked as she held her free hand over her heart. "I loved you Ian. Why couldn't you have just left the Order with me?" Ian was about to say something when he felt Bryan run past him and charge her.


"It doesn't matter! You've chosen your fate! You killed our Jedi brothers and sisters and our friends in the Republic. You will pay for your crimes, Sithspawn!" Bryan unleashed a flurry of blows and Analah countered with her own. Bryan kept cutting away at her, but was never able to make any deadly hits. Ian came after the two and joined in the fight. No matter the reason, Ian was not about to let the two people he cared for kill each other. Analah kicked Bryan away from her and she began fighting Ian down into an abandoned spaceport. While fighting, Ian tried to get Analah to come to her senses.


"Analah, it's not too late, you can still come back! Back to me! Don't let the Dark Side take you!" Ian used the force to slide a Holonet terminal behind Analah and used it to knock Analah off her feet. Analah fell and Ian pointed his lightsaber at her. The glow from their lightsabers filled the dimly lit room. Analah sent a wave of Force-Lightning at him, but Ian blocked it with his lightsaber as Bryan joined them in the spaceport, also pointed his lightsaber at her.


"Analah, please, it doesn't have to be this way..." Ian pleaded.


"Brother, forget it! She’s a Sith now! Think of what she's done to Greene and his men; to the Republic!" Bryan moved his lightsaber closer to Analah's neck. "She deserves to die! How can you stand there and show mercy?!" Ian was about to speak when he felt something moving in the darkness. He turned around and, sure enough, one Empire soldier had limped his way into the spaceport. The crippled soldier opened fire. Ian deflected the blaster bolt right back at the soldier. Analah took this chance. She gathered the Force into her hand and Force-Pushed Bryan into one of the hangar bays. Analah grabbed her double lightsaber right when Ian turned around. She activated her lightsaber on one end and slashed at him. Ian didn't have the time to fully dodge the strike; the blade cut down one side of his face and burned his flesh. Ian let out a roar of pain before Analah sent Ian into the same hangar bay.


Pain was all Ian could feel as he rolled around, grabbing at nothing in the dark; trying desperately to grab hold of something. Analah ignored him and trotted over to where Bryan had landed, which was in the area where the ceiling had collapsed, revealing the sky. Bryan got back up. Having been thrown so hard, Bryan lost one of his lightsabers. Not having the time to look, Bryan grabbed his remaining lightsaber in both hands and Force-Leapt at Analah. Analah just used the Force to push Bryan back while in mid air. Bryan slammed into the hard metal alloy wall. As Analah approached him, Bryan unleashed a series of Force-Blows at Analah, which Analah just used her own Force-Blows to cancel out his. Bryan, struggling to get back on his feet, tried to lunge at her, but she used an even more powerful Force-Blow to send Bryan crashing back into the wall. Analah, with one hand, used the Force to lift Bryan off the ground and with one perfect motion sent him towards her, impaling him with her double lightsaber, and tossed him to the side.


Ian felt the ripple in the Force, alerting him that something terrible had happened to Bryan, because he could feel Bryan's presence slipping away.


"What have you done, Analah? H-How could you?" Ian said, his voice ragged with grief, as he was sure now that Analah had killed his only brother. His last blood relative.


"I am doing what I was trained to do. I am a Sith Lord and my only concern is for the Sith Empire." Analah started walking towards Ian who was at the far side of the hangar. Ian could feel Analah's presence getting closer. Due to the wound he received to his face, he couldn't see anything. As Ian was about to submit to his fate to be killed by the one he loved, he heard a voice through the Force.


Brother...take my lightsaber...


It was Bryan slowly dying away; Bryan grabbed his lightsaber and, with the Force, sent it to Ian's hand without Analah noticing. Ian felt Bryan's lightsaber float into his free hand and his own lightsaber in his other hand. Analah still only had one of the ends of her lightsaber activated and was now running at him. Ian got up on one knee and waited. Analah leapt into the air and came whirling down at him. Having one of the lightsabers held in a reverse style and another in the normal. He had to time this right. Using that hand that was holding his brother's lightsaber the normal way, he activated it and turned his back on Analah while still on one knee, and blocked her blow. With his other hand holding his own lightsaber in reverse, he ignited it and it impaled Analah through the stomach. Analah gasped as she felt the lightsaber enter her gut. Ian deactivated both lightsabers as he felt Analah fall over him, but not before hearing the words.


“I love you...”


Ian dropped both lightsabers as he caught her in his arms. His sight slowly came back to him. They were sitting where the ceiling had collapsed and he felt the drops of water that were starting to fall from the sky. As his vision came back, he stared down at Analah. Analah didn't have a look of grief or suffering on her face, but a smile; a faint warm smile. As if all she ever wanted was to be in his arms one last time. Ian held her close while looking over to where he last felt his brother’s presence. Ian spotted him, but Bryan was already gone, already one with the Force. It rained... It rained very hard... A rain of water and tears...



Table of Contents for Chronicles of Jedi Knight, Ian Mount: Link

Edited by Koichi
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