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Canonical Imperial Classes


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Hello everyone. With my completion of 3/4 of the imperial classes, I'd like to examine them to determine their likely canonical paths.

Warrior - fully dark side, loves bloodshed and war but has a sweet spot for Vette, and ends up marrying her. Male, obviously. Human, maybe even Zabrak or Sith.

Inquisitor - neutral-ish dark, at the beginning serves the empire to keep her freedom, but around the time she meets Ashara, she begins to question her allegiance and starts to reform the empire once she becomes a member of the Dark Council. Female. Human or Twi'lek.

Bounty Hunter - neutral-ish light, has their own code: get a contract done, do nothing more and nothing less. Married Mako. Male. Human or Cyborg.

Imp. Agent - total imperial. Serves the empire faithfully. Male. Chiss, Cyborg, or Human.

There, that's that. Please leave what you think below.

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