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Ideas for new decorations? maybe....


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I was thinking that maybe we should try and list some ideas for new decorations, to try and give some hints to EA and the SWTOR team for future updates. So anyone got any ideas? I personally would like to see as well as companion decorations, character decorations, that is an npc that looks like one of your characters you can put in strongholds so when that character is not logged in they appear in your stronghold. Just an idea :D
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More NPCs really of different species as well.


- Sith Lord (Sith Pureblood)

- Sith Acolyte ( Human probably)


Those two will probably be in one of the explorers packs since the theme seems to be different factions every time.


- Mandalorian personnel

- Guard droids

- More civilians, Zabrak, Bothan, Nautolan, Mon Calamari , Devorian, etc

- Chiss Imperial Agent

- Republic Troopers (Commando)

- Hutt :)



Mainly just want more personnel.

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More NPCs really of different species as well.


- Sith Lord (Sith Pureblood)

- Sith Acolyte ( Human probably)


Those two will probably be in one of the explorers packs since the theme seems to be different factions every time.


- Mandalorian personnel

- Guard droids

- More civilians, Zabrak, Bothan, Nautolan, Mon Calamari , Devorian, etc

- Chiss Imperial Agent

- Republic Troopers (Commando)

- Hutt :)



Mainly just want more personnel.


I was right Mandalorians in the next pack :) which that means probably Sith in the last one of this shipment.

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i want more fountain decor and tree's and better looking plants and gardens.

but i want that fountain on coruscant near the senate building with the huge rock in the middle, or maybe a waterfall decor that would be nice. idk i just like the sound of water falling near by and its peaceful sounding

or maybe more venders decors like maybe a crew skill trainer or even add to the medical droid vender (who only selling lvl 50 healing items and stims


Edited by Valmassca
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Would love to see a Rack with Lightsabers on it like the mandalorian Weapon rack.


I would love if they change the Companions from Holo to flesh and blood.

Looks really poor when i enter my SH with my Bounty, and the Companions of the other Imp-Classes are just Holos.

Same on Rep Classes.


So please give us the chance to make all Companions from all Classes flesh and blood, as long as we not have em as Active Companion outside:)



And i still miss the imperial Guards, they would be the cherry on the SH for the Imp Classes

Edited by Amonthor
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I've been keeping a list of decorations I find interesting as I level new characters during 12xp. Feel free to suggest additions to the list.




wonderful list, especially the holograms from blood hunt and the military museum satellite would be awesome, also the suggested torture table (with prisoner on or off, interactable) would be the cherry on top. Love these ideas

Edited by CountSeductror
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I like to make my strongholds look populated with the personnel decos; it makes the environment much more interesting.


I would love to see more personnel and a greater variety of personnel.

  • More animated personnel (dancing, talking, repairing, drunkenly stumbling, etc.).
  • Personnel attached to furniture (i.e., sitting in a chair, sleeping on a bed, etc.)
  • More female personnel.
Edited by kllong
Adding to list.
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  • 2 weeks later...

having a basic comm vender in your SH or guild ship would be Epic , it would give players more freedom , or multiple

venders , kinda like the fleet only a bigger list , idk it just sounds cool to me so i can stay off the laggy fleet but i would love more environment decorations more trees, plants, fountains (bigger) ,a water fall decor (sorry i said this already) , maybe even some birds singing like in the back ground...hmmmm what else , OH what about a glowing tree which gives off light to light up the room or if the room is huge light up parts of it.. i will keep thinking :D:o

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I would like us to get some Republic and Empire crew members or guild ships pls. Different one doing different actions. The ability to place Ops and pvp dummies on guild ship. Also some prison cells would be nice. Edited by IcarasBane
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  • 3 weeks later...

More civilian NPCs in general.

I'd like one NPC in gear similar to the Massassi Targeters gear who is using binoculars with a side to side sweep animation. They would be great for those outlying hooks on Yavin!

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  • 3 weeks later...
I like to make my strongholds look populated with the personnel decos; it makes the environment much more interesting.


I would love to see more personnel and a greater variety of personnel.

  • More animated personnel (dancing, talking, repairing, drunkenly stumbling, etc.).
  • Personnel attached to furniture (i.e., sitting in a chair, sleeping on a bed, etc.)
  • More female personnel.


Do you realize how difficult it is to read your text in that color?

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In all honesty i would like to see more common decorations like signs, seats, tables, desks, computers but easier to obtain.


Crafting the prefabs is boring as hell.... and everything else come from cartel packs.. $$


Im still waiting for all those decos that are in the list that say they are from the prefab vendor to actually be on the prefab vendors...

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I want:

1-Exar Kun statue, centerpiece.

2-There are some golden wall banners inside Toborro's house in Makeb. I NEED those. :D Each time I go in there I'm like... I want those things for my NS stronghold!!

3-More sith artifacts. There are tons of things inside the Korriban tombs that we still can't get.

4-This might sound silly, but I want the relic containers in the massassi daily area of Yavin 4 :p

5-A hutt NPC decoration.

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So, if anyone has spent some time looking at the decorations windows after some of the more recent updates here is some good news.

1. Wild space pack contains sith personnel decorations and more computers etc.

2. the personnel tab of the decor window now has a subsection called "trainers" which is empty atm but gives some hint to a future update (maybe?)

3. there is now a "champions" subcategory on the personnel tab, still empty, we can speculate that this maybe important npc decorations or maybe decoration that resemble characters etc. The point is it exists, so they are adding some personnel decorations that can be considered as "champion" characters


So some good news there

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  • 1 month later...
I've been keeping a list of decorations I find interesting as I level new characters during 12xp. Feel free to suggest additions to the list.




Just want to second: this is, indeed, an excellent list.


I'd really like to see the holographic battle-plan table. It shows up a couple of times in Dromund Kaas--and I know there's one in the northern part of DK's market area.

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I see loads of stuff on starter planets and capitol planets that I would love to have in my SH's, they are out there, make them available, and not too rare or expencive, one SH-vendor from each planet(themed) on fleet with many items for sale using different methods of payment? More variety on personel, signs, pictures/paintings, class themed decorations(Smuggler/BH etc.) The weapons I have used, even display whole sets of different outfits. Holo's of beasts, ships, important persons in each class storyline/planet storyline as a nice gift befor you move on to the next planet.

BW would make loads of $ if they lowered the cost of SH's and their expansions, and let us have more than 4 SH's open at any given time. I would love to have one for each class + one for the whole family/lagacy.

Edited by KharonKleoni
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