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Theran Shan?


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He says he was in the letter. Did you get that at the start of KOTFE? He had been working with Lana (long story) and that the only thing that had kept him going for the last 5 yrs was that you were out there and they were putting together a rescue plan. I dunno, might have been written after you/we/us lol vanish, but he goes on to say that they had their parts to play so he might not be there when "we" wake up but he cares about us a lot. If you didn't get it, I'll copy the text. If I had to think about parts to play, I'd say Lana would have been planning the alliance from the moment she planned your rescue. She makes a comment (might be in her romance line) that it was selfish rescuing you for the purpose to save the galaxy.


On Asylum, she clearly states she has to go make contact with her agents and then later speaks about her agents on Coruscant and also Imperial side arranging the alliance. Let's face it, her go to republic ally is Theron. Their established trust goes a long way. And when you meet up with Theron finally, it's obvious that Lana has been in touch with him, adding more proof that he was the "Coruscant" ally, because he seems to wonder if you remember him based on what you're going through, what Lana said you went through...


As for why Lana doesn't invite you along to chat to Theron (could be any number of reasons from hiding the alliance idea until she was certain you'd be receptive, to telling Theron what she was fearing about you/Valkorian and wanting to have a quiet discussion with him about it. It's very apparent that he knows about it upon arriving.

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He says he was in the letter. Did you get that at the start of KOTFE? He had been working with Lana (long story) and that the only thing that had kept him going for the last 5 yrs was that you were out there and they were putting together a rescue plan. I dunno, might have been written after you/we/us lol vanish, but he goes on to say that they had their parts to play so he might not be there when "we" wake up but he cares about us a lot. If you didn't get it, I'll copy the text. If I had to think about parts to play, I'd say Lana would have been planning the alliance from the moment she planned your rescue. She makes a comment (might be in her romance line) that it was selfish rescuing you for the purpose to save the galaxy.


It's been so long since I saw that letter, when was KOTFE released (October?) so I haven't seen it since then and I had forgotten what it said exactly, all I have is the cutscenes which I recorded and not the letter itself which is probably why I got confused with what he had been doing, might have to start saving them to. Maybe it's an excuse to run another toon on a Theron romance since it's been so long to jog my memory :D


I went back to read Theron's letter (on the forum posts) and can't believe I forgot about it as it explains everything :o, just seems so long ago now.

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I want more Theron in KoTET (sp?), Lana may everyone's favorite romance for Kotfe but I want more co-op with Theron.


Then you've come to the right place because I'm pretty sure most people posting in this thread would love that to :D Lana had Chapters 1-8 to shine on the romance side of things, I would love something similar for Theron in KOTET where it's just us and him together for a few chapters/missions with some good quality cutscene together time.

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Would just like to add that something else I'd like to see in KOTET would be more than just Zakuul update letters from Theron. These give interesting insight into what's going on but I remember being excited to see a message from Theron only to be a little disappointed that was just another Zakuul update one. I do like these letters about Zakuul because they're world building but maybe a little letter like those from our romances in the original 1-50 story every now and then from all romances (eg :Lana, Theron, Koth....) wouldn't go a miss. I loved the letter from the Alliance member who liked Vette to the SW and then backtracking on it a day later when he realised who he'd sent the letter to, this kind of stuff would be great to see more of especially around LI stuff, it makes the Alliance base feel more alive. Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I wish they would have put twice as much content in the last KotFE chapter rather than making a random HK chapter :(


Agreed. I know HK is a popular and all, but still -- I've yet to comprehend what good is starting a romance with a character if they're going to treat it as an afterthought. :(

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Agreed. I know HK is a popular and all, but still -- I've yet to comprehend what good is starting a romance with a character if they're going to treat it as an afterthought. :(


I really hope they look at this in KOTET. It's not just a few people wanting more romanceinterations/ time with LI's either, I've seen multiple posts here on the official SWTOR forums, on Twitter, on FB and the reddit about it. Even though I'm not a big fan of Lana how her LI stuff was handled in Chapters 1-9 was done well (before the onslaught on absolute nothingness), why can't we have this again for all LI's, little comments from them every now and then go a long way.

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I really hope they look at this in KOTET. It's not just a few people wanting more romanceinterations/ time with LI's either, I've seen multiple posts here on the official SWTOR forums, on Twitter, on FB and the reddit about it. Even though I'm not a big fan of Lana how her LI stuff was handled in Chapters 1-9 was done well (before the onslaught on absolute nothingness), why can't we have this again for all LI's, little comments from them every now and then go a long way.


If it's any consolation, I've already sent my tweet to @SWTOR politely asking for more Theron in KOTET. It's up to them now.

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Anyone try to do another romance just for a change, say with Lana, then struggle with wanting to click Theron's romance options? :p I'll say I wasn't impressed with Lana in SOR and now I'm kicking myself in Ziost. lol. But seriously, Lana fans got 2 kisses in chapter 16! We deserve another kiss from Theron!
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Anyone try to do another romance just for a change, say with Lana, then struggle with wanting to click Theron's romance options? :p I'll say I wasn't impressed with Lana in SOR and now I'm kicking myself in Ziost. lol. But seriously, Lana fans got 2 kisses in chapter 16! We deserve another kiss from Theron!


The only way I was able to resist romancing Theron was if that character was already married though that didn't always work (sorry Elara on my first trooper and Temple on my first agent...Ashara doesn't count since she rejected my inquisitor's proposal. I don't know if that counted as her dumping him or not but it felt like it). I only managed to make it to romancing Koth because I used my insta-60 character for him lol (I do like Koth a lot but it's hard to ignore Theron in SoR). I still haven't managed to do Lana's romance in SoR or KotFE. The (unmarried) female smuggler I was planning on doing this romance with, I just stopped playing her around Manaan like 8+ months ago >.<

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Anyone try to do another romance just for a change, say with Lana, then struggle with wanting to click Theron's romance options? :p I'll say I wasn't impressed with Lana in SOR and now I'm kicking myself in Ziost. lol. But seriously, Lana fans got 2 kisses in chapter 16! We deserve another kiss from Theron!


I've just started taking my first DvL character through SoR (little late to DvL I know) a JK who I'm keeping single at this point (hoping for perhaps a new LI in KOTET) and I'm having a hard time not picking the Theron [Flirt]'s for sure :p


Now that I've finished KOTFE on my Theron romances it's hard not to want to do it again on a new character :cool:

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Anyone try to do another romance just for a change, say with Lana, then struggle with wanting to click Theron's romance options? :p I'll say I wasn't impressed with Lana in SOR and now I'm kicking myself in Ziost. lol. But seriously, Lana fans got 2 kisses in chapter 16! We deserve another kiss from Theron!


I was planning to romance Koth with my first KotFE character, an insta-Knight. But I caved and chose Theron. I managed to stay true to Koth with my insta-Warrior since I knew there was so little Theron content he'd be missing out on. My dvl trooper will be heading into KotFE soon and my plan is to friend-zone Theron and enjoy the Jorgan reunion. My dvl inquisitor is just a baby, but if I'm tough he'll romance Lana through everything. I have never done her romance beyond a few flirts. I like her, so I think it will be worth seeing the romance through.

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My dvl inquisitor is just a baby, but if I'm tough he'll romance Lana through everything. I have never done her romance beyond a few flirts. I like her, so I think it will be worth seeing the romance through.


I'm not a big fan of Lana but will admit her romance does have it's moments and can be quite cute at times. I get a real over protective vibe from her about you if you romance her which I adore especially on my non-force using characters, it's cute how she really looks out for you. You'll also get to see how much romance stuff Lana gets during KOTFE chapters 1-9 (which also abruptly drops off after this like Theron/Koth after Chp 9) and thus how little Theron and other LI's really get in comparison.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Now that KOTFE is done I thought I work on my tertiary character - Virgyl De'san, Republic Trooper. There was a very low chance that I was going to have him romance someone other than Theron but when that first flirt option came up in "Shadow of Revan" I had to go for it.


The one takeaway from SWTOR is that you can't go back and replay a KOTFE chapter once you've completed it like you can with single-player RPGs. And knowing me, if I chose Koth, or - horrors! - Lana, I know I wouldn't be totally satisfied with it.


What can I say? My alts are pushovers for a low, growly voice. :D

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Shouldn't have been an HK chapter at all, should have been a marry Theron chapter >.>







It's something else I hope for KOTET that I forget about a chance to marry our new romances, Theron, Lana & Koth. I can already see the death stares Satele would be giving my Imp, a SI Dark Council member marrying her Republic son ;)

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It's something else I hope for KOTET that I forget about a chance to marry our new romances, Theron, Lana & Koth. I can already see the death stares Satele would be giving my Imp, a SI Dark Council member marrying her Republic son ;)


At least with Satele it would just be a look, with Jace bullets will fly! :D

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It's something else I hope for KOTET that I forget about a chance to marry our new romances, Theron, Lana & Koth. I can already see the death stares Satele would be giving my Imp, a SI Dark Council member marrying her Republic son ;)


My SI has the belief that they both believe in redemption given their family history with Revan. :p Yep. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. ;)


Unless...you try to kill Satele...then all bets are off. :D haha

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Hm, something just occurred to me. They may hold off on "marriages" until all of the previous romanceable characters return. My SI is technically married to Andronikos, but hated living with the constant fear of abandonment so Theron's letter of always waiting for her won her heart for good. My SW and JK have no dramas though as they both ended things with previous companions very early on.
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Hm, something just occurred to me. They may hold off on "marriages" until all of the previous romanceable characters return. My SI is technically married to Andronikos, but hated living with the constant fear of abandonment so Theron's letter of always waiting for her won her heart for good. My SW and JK have no dramas though as they both ended things with previous companions very early on.


I had completely forgotten that some of my toons were married already and then moved on (cheated on) to Theron/Lana/Koth. I agree though if we're already married to an old LI that hasn't come back I doubt they'd let us be married to two different people at the same time :p. That's a shame as we'll probably have to wait till at least the very end of KOTET (or a third season?) before we can officially marry Theron/Lana/Koth.

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