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Theran Shan?


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So...is anyone else's character sleeping on the couch in the foreseeable future due to

shooting at Arcann/Senya's shuttle



Nope. My hunky Jedi Guardian Padryk is 100% Light Side (aside from dating Theron, that is) so that wasn't an option. Padryk & Theron pic: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f118/CastilloRA/Padryk%20and%20Theron%20Ch16.png


My rogue-with-a-heart-of-gold Smuggler Casro decided not to due to one of the occupants. Casro & Theron pic: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f118/CastilloRA/Casro%20and%20Theron%20Ch16.png


Either way, they're both in for some pure Theron lovin'. One just happens to have rope, duct tape, a trampoline, a chandelier, whipped cream and Sith Inquisitor robes handy. :D

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Theron is my sex puppet and he is sort of a tramp. Aliens, humans, men, women, pubs and imps. He sleeps and flirts with them all. But he is a lovable scamp so I am fine with it.


He will get over it. I am not giving him a choice on the matter. My Sith Inquisitor isn't anyway. He needs to understand that Zakuul and all its filthy inhabitants humiliated the Sith Empire. While the Jedi and Republic are worthy and established foes, the Eternal Throne made us bow and submit to them. That is unforgivable and no mercy will be shown on anyone from that planet. I have made every choice possible to cause death and destruction on Zakuul and ultimately Koth and Senya would need to die too.


I don't keep him around for his opinions and principles, that is for certain.

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Does it involve rope, duct tape, a trampoline, whipped cream, a chandelier, and Sith Inquisitor robes? If it does, my smuggler applies the whipped cream onto Theron's helpless, muscular form last, not first.


Just saying. :)


I want a a companion customization with a leather thong and doggy collar. So irritated I can't skank him up!

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So...is anyone else's character sleeping on the couch in the foreseeable future due to

shooting at Arcann/Senya's shuttle



He seemed pretty angry at my IA, but from my IA's point of view it had to be done.



Honestly for my IA there was no choice but to shoot the shuttle after what Arcann has done. Yeah Theron will be mad about Senya but I see him coming to terms that it was the right thing to do, I mean has he forgotten what horrid things Arcann has done to us and our people? Senya would have known the risks on what she was doing, knowing how much we all wanted Arcann dead, my IA doesn't take betrayal lightly. She knew I threatened to kill Koth when he left for betraying me, I killed Kaliyo for disobeying my orders, what did she really think I was going to do when she betrayed me? That I'd make an exception? Nope!



I expect to be the dog house though when he finds out I tried to kill his mother :p

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He seemed pretty angry at my IA, but from my IA's point of view it had to be done.



Honestly for my IA there was no choice but to shoot the shuttle after what Arcann has done. Yeah Theron will be mad about Senya but I see him coming to terms that it was the right thing to do, I mean has he forgotten what horrid things Arcann has done to us and our people? Senya would have known the risks on what she was doing, knowing how much we all wanted Arcann dead, my IA doesn't take betrayal lightly. She knew I threatened to kill Koth when he left for betraying me, I killed Kaliyo for disobeying my orders, what did she really think I was going to do when she betrayed me? That I'd make an exception? Nope!

I totally agree with the bolded part and even though it wasn't something he wanted to do, Keiran is a soldier and has to make the tough calls for the greater good. Plus

Senya isn't even willing to hand Arcann over as a prisoner so even if he's not executed he's not in a position to hurt anyone (I suggest carbonite for the sake of irony...) she has him loose somewhere in the galaxy



I expect to be the dog house though when he finds out I tried to kill his mother :p

Oh snap, that'd do it lol! I wonder if he will break up with or attack you for that? (I definitely would)

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Since Season 1 is all done what kind of stuff are you guys hoping for in regards to Theron in Season 2? Here are just somethings I’d like to see.

- He gets to meet up with Satele and all 3 of us get to have a nice friendly chat, obviously some convo differences for those who are romancing Theron and those who tried to kill Satele, could be some fun/amusing dialogue here.

- This is obvious but for those romancing him more scenes together (not only with Theron but with all our LI's), like someone else mentioned here, show us were in a relationship don’t just tell us we are.

- He’s actually there in the beginning and not off somewhere for the first half of the season.

- We’ve had a chance to talk about if we're using or not using Valky’s power with Lana and Koth, I’d like Theron's opinions on what he thinks especially if we’ve been using Valky's powers.

- Like in SoR I’d like something about what happens when the whole Zakuul threat is over, do we go our separate ways again if we’re an Imp romancing him? Would he want to come back and help us rebuild the Empire again?


- If we shot down Arcann/Senya I’d like a chat about that, he seemed pretty annoyed at us for doing it.


- My characters are pretty darn annoyed at everyone betraying them all the time, it'd be nice not only to chat with Theron about it but also maybe Lana/Koth or our other LI's.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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My Sith will not sleep on the couch.

However, I did notice (played through the last cut scene like a whole bunch) that Theron does "somewhat" feel better if you choose that you didn't want to shoot the shuttle/kill her but you couldn't let Arcann get away. He says something along the lines that at least you have a conscience. However, I was so tempted to tell him and Koth to take it outside to see his indignant pout. Man, he is pissed if you take that option. I figured that my Sith probably owed him some explanation, but she's angry that he had to call her out in front of the whole alliance in his little tirade. Lana is so much better in this regard and only voices concerns, but wow, Theron goes on a toddler tantrum. So, he's sleeping in the dog house. I don't see it as a deal breaker yet though.


My jedi is a good girl and listens to Theron. But Theron has anger issues when you don't take his choices. :p Yavin 4 - sensors. Tell him you don't want to spy on the imps and he'll call you an idiot...and that's pretty much after the first kiss.


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What I WANT in the next season is Theron heavily integrated into the story, lots of romance content and conversations, having some sort of awkward talk with Theron's parents about your relationship (especially Jace with a sith or agent lol) and of course marry him >.> What I think will ACTUALLY happen is more of the same: no romance acknowledgement or Theron being concerned for his girlfriend or boyfriend's well being until the last chapter and even that would be something short. :(


You: "I got dragged into the woods by the evil emperor's ghost and almost killed, also your mother was there"

Theron: "What's this about my mother???"

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What I hope does happen in the next season (but probably won't be so due to money) is more acknowledgement of your class and alignment (and not just for Theron's romance either, for the whole of KotET). We got some small blips of acknowledgement in SoR, but absolutely nothing in KotFE. I'd like to know how he feels being in a relationship with my Dark I Sith Inquisitor, or my Neutral Trooper, if he's comfortable with the former or just doesn't care who the PC is. How he feels about your use (or lack thereof) of Valkorion's power or any other choices made in the game rather than a small quip about your choice that doesn't differ for any character.


Of course, that's unfortunately just a pipe dream. I'd just be happy if we got more than what we had on KotFE.

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What I WANT in the next season is Theron heavily integrated into the story, lots of romance content and conversations, having some sort of awkward talk with Theron's parents about your relationship (especially Jace with a sith or agent lol) and of course marry him >.> What I think will ACTUALLY happen is more of the same: no romance acknowledgement or Theron being concerned for his girlfriend or boyfriend's well being until the last chapter and even that would be something short. :(


You: "I got dragged into the woods by the evil emperor's ghost and almost killed, also your mother was there"

Theron: "What's this about my mother???"


Yeah, I'm going to be irritated if it's more of the almost nothing that we got this time through. It was really anemic and I found it fairly disappointing.


I told a friend the other night that I just assume his usual "Be careful/don't get killed" thing is sort of like Wesley's "As you wish" in the Princess Bride. ;)

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My Sith will not sleep on the couch.

However, I did notice (played through the last cut scene like a whole bunch) that Theron does "somewhat" feel better if you choose that you didn't want to shoot the shuttle/kill her but you couldn't let Arcann get away. He says something along the lines that at least you have a conscience. However, I was so tempted to tell him and Koth to take it outside to see his indignant pout. Man, he is pissed if you take that option. I figured that my Sith probably owed him some explanation, but she's angry that he had to call her out in front of the whole alliance in his little tirade. Lana is so much better in this regard and only voices concerns, but wow, Theron goes on a toddler tantrum. So, he's sleeping in the dog house. I don't see it as a deal breaker yet though.



From my IA's point of view I found Theron being angry at me strange, you as the IA know first hand the importance of tying up loose ends, how betrayal can effect you and others and especially that at times you're going to have to make a decision for the greater good even if you personally don't like having to do it AKA putting the needs of the many above your own. I would have thought Theron being a SIS agent and spy himself would have understood what I said above. Arcann has mercilessly killed millions (billions?) and Senya flat out betrayed us so my IA shooting them down was a no brainer, it was safer for everyone in the galaxy to have Arcann dealt with. Did my IA want to shoot down Senya? No he didn't but he did what he believed needed to be done to protect everyone else.


Like I said though this is just my POV from my Agents perspective after everything he as a spy has been through he thought Theron of all people would understand.


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From my IA's point of view I found Theron being angry at me strange, you as the IA know first hand the importance of tying up loose ends, how betrayal can effect you and others and especially that at times you're going to have to make a decision for the greater good even if you personally don't like having to do it AKA putting the needs of the many above your own. I would have thought Theron being a SIS agent and spy himself would have understood what I said above. Arcann has mercilessly killed millions (billions?) and Senya flat out betrayed us so my IA shooting them down was a no brainier, it was safer for everyone in the galaxy to have Arcann dealt with. Did my IA want to shoot down Senya? No he didn't but he did what he believed needed to be done to protect everyone else.


Like I said though this is just my POV from my Agents perspective after everything he as a spy has been through he thought Theron of all people would understand.


Same thought here. Exactly the same.


My Sith and likely my agent though she's not there just yet, would likely school him later about the importance of refraining from scolding her in front of the alliance. If he has a question, then he can raise it in a rational, unprovoking manner or better yet, wait until they could have some privacy. His blatant disregard for respect in that scene kinda undermines her authority as he scolds her as if she were an unruly child, not giving her a chance to explain. My Sith would have told him that she's responsible for the safety of the base and that all of the lives there come before any one or any hurt feelings and that it's a good thing that they have someone willing to do what it takes to save lives in the long run. The explanation should be obvious to a spy. Also, he's spy who isn't exactly LS in his orders, a few of them in Revan earn you DS points.


Honestly, I don't think the sleeping on the sofa part would last long. In my head canon, Lana would be begging my Sith to make amends (fight/make up sex :p) with Theron as he's driving her and everyone else crazy with his foul mood since them being on the outs. lol.


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I think Theron being upset does fit with his character, he seems like someone who prioritizes the safety of the innocent or an ally above the mission like in Annihilation he rescued some Cathar that were being used as bait for the SIS to find out about this slave ring, he messed up this whole operation (that he wasn't a part of) by getting involved and he wasn't even sorry about it. He also seems unwilling to kill someone unless they're directly threatening his/someone's life. I do however think that he would grudgingly understand the player's action in that instance and it seems kind of OOC for him to criticize them so heavily after the fact. They did need someone to disapprove of that choice though and it would be waaaay more OOC for Koth or Lana to disapprove so Theron drew that straw I imagine.
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They did need someone to disapprove of that choice though and it would be waaaay more OOC for Koth or Lana to disapprove so Theron drew that straw I imagine.


I think this is most likely the case, Koth couldn't hammer us about it because he hates Senya and loved our choice and Lana always seems to stand by our choices and back them up which leaves Theron as the "left over" so let's make him say it. I hope he doesn't just become the scapegoat character where if it seems OOC for Lana/Koth to say something they'll just get Theron to say it, if they want a view point from someone different have one of our old companions or even a new one fill that role. Makes me wonder for the future if he had to make a big decision in regards to the Alliance, base and us would he disregard what is better for all of us and go with what he personally felt was right at the time instead?

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So...is anyone else's character sleeping on the couch in the foreseeable future due to

shooting at Arcann/Senya's shuttle



Yep, mine, I was so ticked off that he'd do this to my lovely dark side Jedi. As many have said, it was a no brainer, that shuttle needed to be shot down.


I'm not sure if I'm more upset about not getting to shoot it down, or the fact that my boyfriend called me out in front of everyone and made me feel like crap, when I already felt like crap, because none of it felt like a 'victory' to me. :(

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Since Season 1 is all done what kind of stuff are you guys hoping for in regards to Theron in Season 2? Here are just somethings I’d like to see.


In the first nine chapters of Season II, Theron should be our main contact and right hand man, going with us on every mission, while Lana is mysteriously absent without explanation. :rolleyes:


Seriously, I was very disappointed when they went from Lana and Theron being equal and opposite romance options in SOR, to favoring Lana and side-lining Theron. I really thought that their treatment in SOR was intentional, that they were meant to be "equal yet opposite" choices. (Female Imperial Force-user vs male Republic non-Force user.) Then they threw it all to the wind and I was left wondering if they just didn't care or if they never intended it to be equal all along and we just got lucky in SOR. :(


I was disappointed that my agent got 2 very nice romance scenes with Lana, while my consular only got one scene with Theron. Theron had gotten the short end of the stick for so long, that I was really hoping to see some remedy to that in Chap 16.


(The same can be said about Koth, since he too got very few romance scenes in KOTFE.)

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In the first nine chapters of Season II, Theron should be our main contact and right hand man, going with us on every mission, while Lana is mysteriously absent without explanation. :rolleyes:


Seriously, I was very disappointed when they went from Lana and Theron being equal and opposite romance options in SOR, to favoring Lana and side-lining Theron. I really thought that their treatment in SOR was intentional, that they were meant to be "equal yet opposite" choices. (Female Imperial Force-user vs male Republic non-Force user.) Then they threw it all to the wind and I was left wondering if they just didn't care or if they never intended it to be equal all along and we just got lucky in SOR. :(


I was disappointed that my agent got 2 very nice romance scenes with Lana, while my consular only got one scene with Theron. Theron had gotten the short end of the stick for so long, that I was really hoping to see some remedy to that in Chap 16.


(The same can be said about Koth, since he too got very few romance scenes in KOTFE.)

Yeah I feel the same way :( I was so disappointed that they apparently had Lana shoehorned in as their writer's pet (seriously if it's a female BioWare character whose name starts with an L and ends with an A then steer clear. Leliana and Liara are the same way). Lana is ok but I have always felt mostly "meh" about her at best. I usually don't hate her but I don't care for her either but her being forced on me while Theron was tossed to the side made me really resent her. I still haven't done her romance in SoR or KotFE and I do ALL the romances. It also makes little sense that Lana would be rescuing a republic character (especially one that has treated her with hostility and mistrust the whole time like my JK). They should have either had Theron part of the group with Lana and Koth from the beginning or they should have done it like SoR where Lana starts with imperial characters and Theron with republic characters.

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They should have either had Theron part of the group with Lana and Koth from the beginning or they should have done it like SoR where Lana starts with imperial characters and Theron with republic characters.


I really don't know why they didn't do it this way. I would have loved it if Theron rescued my Republic characters instead, and it would have made more sense too. Theron's a cool character and I still remember how excited and surprised I was to see him in Forged Alliances after reading the book he was in...like watching a character climb off the page and come to life. But in KOTFE, it was like they just forgot about him or something. Different writers maybe. :(

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In the first nine chapters of Season II, Theron should be our main contact and right hand man, going with us on every mission, while Lana is mysteriously absent without explanation. :rolleyes:


Seriously, I was very disappointed when they went from Lana and Theron being equal and opposite romance options in SOR, to favoring Lana and side-lining Theron. I really thought that their treatment in SOR was intentional, that they were meant to be "equal yet opposite" choices. (Female Imperial Force-user vs male Republic non-Force user.) Then they threw it all to the wind and I was left wondering if they just didn't care or if they never intended it to be equal all along and we just got lucky in SOR. :(


I was disappointed that my agent got 2 very nice romance scenes with Lana, while my consular only got one scene with Theron. Theron had gotten the short end of the stick for so long, that I was really hoping to see some remedy to that in Chap 16.


(The same can be said about Koth, since he too got very few romance scenes in KOTFE.)

Agreed. Hope they make more good romance scenes with Theron in Season 2. :(

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I really don't know why they didn't do it this way. I would have loved it if Theron rescued my Republic characters instead, and it would have made more sense too. Theron's a cool character and I still remember how excited and surprised I was to see him in Forged Alliances after reading the book he was in...like watching a character climb off the page and come to life. But in KOTFE, it was like they just forgot about him or something. Different writers maybe. :(


I'll disagree to that. Theron is a spy. He's referenced many times in Lanas convo to you on asylum without his name being said. I think it's pretty clear he orchestrated the entire alliance of people showing up on Odessen and he secured the ship. That was his job to do. He was the contact organising it. He's trained in combat but as a spy he has contacts whereas lana is a stronger character to break you out of the impossible. Likely theron got the schematics for her. He's a spy so he doesn't lead the charge but organises the Intel from within.

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I'll disagree to that. Theron is a spy. He's referenced many times in Lanas convo to you on asylum without his name being said. I think it's pretty clear he orchestrated the entire alliance of people showing up on Odessen and he secured the ship. That was his job to do. He was the contact organising it. He's trained in combat but as a spy he has contacts whereas lana is a stronger character to break you out of the impossible. Likely theron got the schematics for her. He's a spy so he doesn't lead the charge but organises the Intel from within.


To me the opposite makes more sense. Theron looks normal (no spooky eyes) has the same accent as most of the people on Zakuul, he's used to going undercover and infiltrating enemy areas. Since he's a spy and a slicer he would be better suited to infiltrate the carbonite prison than Lana who sticks out as a sore thumb and is not subtle. On the other hand Lana was the head of sith intelligence, a high ranking sith, had lots of people under her command and would have more contacts than Theron. If anything Theron should have been the one rescuing us and Lana the one gathering people for the alliance.

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I'm tired of being forced to partner with Lana in so many chapters that I resent her too. I'm also tired of all the 'hear me roar' female Force Users and their super powers while Theron gets yelled at for not computer hacking fast enough. Now that Senya is gone we might be stuck with Lana more than ever. I just want Theron with me at all times.
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I'll disagree to that. Theron is a spy. He's referenced many times in Lanas convo to you on asylum without his name being said. I think it's pretty clear he orchestrated the entire alliance of people showing up on Odessen and he secured the ship. That was his job to do. He was the contact organising it. He's trained in combat but as a spy he has contacts whereas lana is a stronger character to break you out of the impossible. Likely theron got the schematics for her. He's a spy so he doesn't lead the charge but organises the Intel from within.


I seemed to get the impression that Lana set up the entire Alliance and Theron seemed to be just someone she asked along after it had been initially set up to find more people to join. In the Cantina scene (Chp 9) after Lana tells Theron to relax a little he says, "Isn't that why you talked me into coming here? To lighten your load?" and Lana replies, " I brought you you here because you're good." It just sounds strange that if Theron had been helping her all along with the plan to rescue us then why did Theron then need to be talked into coming to Odesson at all? Wasn't he here before that with Lana/Koth working on getting us out? Maybe he didn't want to come to Odesson unless the plan worked and we were actually rescued? Though this is all just speculation based on that Cantina scene, I like to imagine he was a major player in our rescue even though he didn't actually come himself.

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