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Knights of the Fallen Empire RP


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OOC: As some of you may know, Bioware just announced the Knights of the Fallen Empire Digital Expansion. From what we can see from the trailer, and read on it's official page, things are looking grim for the Empire and Republic alike. For RPers, this present an anxious time until it's release. Regardless of our power within the Empire and Republic, we will fall. Idependent factions might get caught in the crossfire, but will most likely not be bothered that much - provided they stay out of the way. So, I'm looking for guilds and people interested in cross faction alliances where we will RP the Vanguard against the Empire of Zakuul. Of course... we will be forced to retreat. This post is purely for finding people interested in this idea and that can help plan it.




*A looped message can be heard on several frequencies of the Holonet, with unkown source. The voice speaks with a strong catharese accent*

"The Empirrre of Zakuul is rrrising... The Empirrre failed to conquerrr them. The Rrrepublic failed to negotiate an Alliance. They stayed neutrrral. But nov they rrrise. Theirrr fleet is conquerrring any worrrld it rrreaches, be it Imperrrial, Rrrrpublic orrr Neutrrral. If ve do not act nov, the galazzy vill fall. This thrrreat is larrgerrr than any ve have faced beforrre. The Drrread Masterrrs, the Rrrevanites and the rrresurrrected Vitiate combined pale in comparrrison to this thrrreat.


Ve must rrrally... orrr ve vill all fall..."

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