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Warzone Scoreboard - Show Damage Taken/Mitigated/Avoided for Tanks


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Add Damage Taken/Mitigated/Avoided to the Scoreboard. (Or some variation, so we know who was doing a lot of work to keep us alive.)


In Warzones, if you are an effective Tank, the only thing that shows this is the Protection statistic, which many players also use to get their badge and aren't using it to help, and they stop taunting/guarding when they hit the cap.


However, I know some amazing Tanks that take a ton of damage, do great crowd control and positioning and give their life time and time again to help the team meet an objective. Yet, at the end of the match, their name appears in the middle or at the bottom because they weren't badge farming and they don't have huge damage numbers.


Why this matters? MVP votes and respect. I did an informal check of MVP vote differences recently, and people I credit with saving the match would have far less MVP votes than average for their Valor and Character age.


So, please show everyone on the scoreboard how much damage was taken/mitigated/avoided, it can't hurt.


PS This is also a problem/design-flaw now as not all Protection is shown on the Scoreboard. Utility Protection Buffs that protect teammates in addition to Taunts and Intercede/Guardian Leap protections that aren't accounted for on the board, or accounted for properly. (There is more to tanking and protection than just using Guard.)

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