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New expansion confussion


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Here is where i am confused. When we wake up from our carbonite nap, Both the Empire and Republic have fallen and the sith and jedi have retreated to their temples. From what we know as of now, THe emperor is on the loose destroying planets and stuff and has yet to be delt with. Where does that leave us? Now there may be more of an ending to this between now and then but if there is, how are they going to tie everything together? Will we be able to go back and do quest (such as heroics) on the older planets or has it changed as we know it and all you can do is go forward and going back to the older planets with them being destroyed. A lot to think about. Also from the looks of it we start out with NO companions. What about HK-51 and Treek? We paid for those. Can someone please tell me how things will change from how we know it now.
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Also please remember that there is going to be some filler arc in between now and October. It won't be just you logging in one day and you are in carbonite. The remaining patches between now and the 4.0 patch should clarify things. I doubt you will lose your companions. I would guess that they are the ones that stage a rescue to release you in the first place.
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I sure hope they fill in the gap before then. I know during the Jedi consular mission on Rishi (spoiler if anyone hasn't done it yet) That Lt. Irso says goodbye and Aric Jorgan says "For the Republic". I actually had to record that part cause i couldn't believe it when i heard it. So that in itself is saying something regarding the new expansion. I just really don't wanna lose HK or treek as i got them fully geared in the 192 armor and maxed out kills and affection. I even went to the test server (which is dead right now) to see what new was there. I will say that whatever is going to happen will be a shocker none the less. But also from the way they are putting it, it sounds like a re-boot of the game.
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