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Add Pre-Order and Razer Crystals to the collections.


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This is something that has been asked for by the community for quite a while now and has still not been addressed. There no longer is a need to pay 250k per crystal since we can just pull out a crystal of equal stats for free from our collections.


You have also recently added the Black-Purple Striated crystals to the collection system so why not add these older crystals as-well.

Edited by micnevv
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I agree, there is no reason for every new pre-order crystal to cost 250.000 credits.


This is something they introduced a long time ago and it should be updated to modern standards.


When or if they change it, make the crystals level 10 as any other +41 crystal in the game.


They should be happy they got pre-order players still in the game, it is a good sign that players have stayed this long. I get a cheer from time to time from players saying it is cool that there are players still in the game that uses it.

Edited by Icestar
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