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The possibility of the death of Satele Shan and why it would work with the new story.


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I like Satele, I really do, but there is a good reason why she might die before the new expansion comes through.


Assuming that Satele is part of a fighting force that is against the new empire it would be a good guess that she would be on a mission with both Jace Malcom and Theron Shan. The best way to approach this would be that she would sacrifice her life to protect Theron from a dangerous opponent. The story threads that play off this are tempting.


First is Jace Malcom. As supreme commander of the republic forces he is honor bound to follow the directions of the chancellor and the senate. If he has a loved one die during a mission that he disagreed with but went ahead with at the behest of the senate then it would force him to question just how deep his loyalty is to what the Republic is and if he should be a part of rebuilding it.


Next is Theron Shan. Theron didn't often see Satele as a mother figure and often distanced himself from her and the Jedi Order. With Satele sacraficing herself to save him he would see her not as the pillar of the Jedi or as some great leader but as a mother that would do anything for her children. Reconciling that image with the ones of his past would be a test for him.


Then there is Lana Beniko. In similar fashion to Theron, Lana saw Satele as something beyond just a Jedi. To Lana, Satele would be one of her greatest adversaries and a thorn in all the plans for the Empire. This contradicts with the friendship that she shares with Theron. When Satele dies it would leave Lana at an emotional impasse. How can she comfort her friend over the loss of a loved one while rejoicing in that same death and the good it does for the Empire she supports.


The only thing that would pose a problem is the loss of a strong female figure on the Republic side. To counter this I would suggest that Bela Kiwilks, the Jedi Council member that trained Kira, take over the leadership of the Jedi. Since she plays a role in the council already and has worked with the military, she already has some connection to most of the Republic side. She has a strong presence when she interacts with the players during the original story and the fact that she was still recovering means that she would not have been involved in any military actions during the time after the player was in carbonite.



This is my train of thought anyway. I can't say Bioware would go the same direction.

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