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The Slowest Leveler in The Galaxy. Need Level 60 Advise

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Finally, been here since Beta & made my first level 60. :)



I play mostly alone, since I get kicked from nearly every guild due to not logging in enough I guess. I log in like 3 times a week when active, once or 2x a month when not active.



So, I been leveling as a Vengeance DPS Jugg. Now at level 60, I want to farm credits, and buy awesome stuff Ill never use for inflated & over priced GTN sales, just to add to my collection. Is staying DPS the way to do this? or is tanking?


I really have little desire to do FM with 3 random strangers, as I am almost 37, and I dont feel like listening to some 14 year old tell me I screwed up or what not. I know I am no pro. I just wanna have some fun.


So I guess, I am going to try and make 2 sets of armor, one for DPS, which I have now. And one for Tanking maybe.



But can anybody assist me with a good build for Tank & Vengeance for Soloing Flash Points and grinding mods to farm drops?




Here is my Level 60 Jugg



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Sorry man, you can only solo the flashpoints related to your class missions, and I think you can only do that once? You also don't need any gear because your droid will pretty much do all the work.


As for builds there are a bunch of guides that are on these forums, you can't really get mad because you refuse to read through some threads that are easily accessible.

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Sorry man, you can only solo the flashpoints related to your class missions, and I think you can only do that once? You also don't need any gear because your droid will pretty much do all the work.


As for builds there are a bunch of guides that are on these forums, you can't really get mad because you refuse to read through some threads that are easily accessible.



I wasnt mad. I have been looking, and everything I see is out dated. Could you maybe be bothered enough to link me? because clearly I am not finding them, otherwise I would not be wasting my time waiting for helpful replies.

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I wasnt mad. I have been looking, and everything I see is out dated. Could you maybe be bothered enough to link me? because clearly I am not finding them, otherwise I would not be wasting my time waiting for helpful replies.


I don't think you've been kicked from every guild you've ever been in, solely owing to inactivity. You have some serious entitlement issues.


That said. I will bother myself enough to inform you that solo-grinding flashpoints for stuff to sell is simply not done in this game. Anything you could get from it would not be worth the hours invested to do it by yourself, where it's even possible.


You haven't gotten any more comprehensive responses because you're looking at a dead end. There are ways to make lots of credits in this game, and the crafting forum (which sort've doubles as the 'credit making' forum) has some good strategies. But there is absolutely nothing anyone can tell you about tailoring builds to solo flashpoints.


If a flashpoint is even remotely soloable, then you can do it as any build. If it's not soloable, then no build will make it soloable. And even if someone could pull it off, it'd be like a 3 hour ordeal.


As for grinding mobs, there are only three builds in this game. Whichever one does the most AoE with the most mobility, will be the best mob grinder. But you should know, grinding mobs is like the worst way to make credits.

Edited by clearsighted
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I'll try and be more polite but they are somewhat correct with the answer you're looking for which is:

If you choose to play alone, as many people do, you indeed have to then realize you will not have access to flashpoints and other instances where "phat/dank loot" is found.


I suggest grouping with random people and saying you're new if you really want to go into instances that bad. You're way too paranoid about other people raging and you do have a bit of a attitude which I take is from being a loner. It's not a big deal that you are new to grouping and many people would be more then happy to help you along.

You're only going to get raged at if you sneak into a group, don't say anything, and play it off like you know everything or if you get halfway before you start screaming you're new and not to bother you anymore. If you politely start by saying "I am new to grouping, I've solo'd the whole way here, if you would like me to leave the group I understand but I am just looking to farm credits" I guarantee you'll find a great time.


Also, there really isn't any "builds" per say, everything has been abridged to the simplest means. All you have to do is pick if you want to do damage or tank. It's really that simple now since they ruined/enhanced the talent trees.


You also have to understand this game is a few years old (as you clearly know since you've been playing since beta) and need to understand there aren't any lurkers jumping at the chance to respond to anyone that has a question. There is enough information being pumped out that can be found through google, it helps to type in 2015 when searching for fresh information.

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