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Disappointed in how The Jedi Knight story ended


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Okay so I've just played through the Jedi Knight's class story and I must say I'm a little disappointed in the way the story drove your character.

The reason why I'm a little disappointed in the story is that you will end a hero to the Republic and all well and happy.

I'm also disappointed in how little to none consequence there was towards your character if you choose to go all psycho on everyone.


Now I played my character the way that at first she was a naive/wanting to help everyone but when her (Spoiler for anyone who hasn't played the Knight and wants to) master gets killed, she went more and more over to a darker path and really started to care little to nothing for others other than killing the people who oppose her in her path even let one of her companions to his fate when he's surrounded in order to face the Emperor.

Yet, all the times my character went all dark side or evil, she never faced any consequences for her actions, only one time a master said he and her would have to talk about what my character did, but it never came up again.


(Spoiler again) Even when one of the Jedi Masters who goes dark Jedi and I have to face him on a flagship, I used the force and made him my personal assassin like Starkiller was for Sidious.

Yet I end up as a big hero in the end, even after my character did and said some pretty none-Jedi things.

Actually the only times something came close to the other Jedis reacting to my Jedi's dark ways of doing things is over a hologram and was only told, watch out for your emotions etc. etc. by Satele Shan, but that was it.


Now I know that this is way too late for them even redo and it's something they would never do to the game now.

But I'm thinking if they had given us 5 different endings or maybe 3-4 endings and made the class stories in a way that depends on how you reacted towards people, took action against other people, like maybe killed quite a few people, the class story would change direction and it would start making the other Jedis suspicious about your character and maybe even confronting your character and if you were really evil maybe even get in a fight and then the story would take a such a big change compare to if your Jedi did only good things and would get the hero of the republic ending, but they would also be like two gray endings different and shaping after what kinds of gray choices you took in your characters journey.


Would also be something for the Siths, Bounty Hunters, Smuglers, Imperial Agents etc. all depending on what choices you would take and then it actually would matter if you played your character as evil, good or the gray choices.

Not only would it be much more interesting to see how the story would shape but it would also get people to play the same class for the story even more, so they could see the other road the story would take.

Edited by mathol
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I see what you mean. First of all, if you want more endings, I recommend the Agent. How many are there again? One, two, three, four, maybe five?


Second of all, there actually was a slight consequence at one point. In Beta, DS JKs got a lecture from Satele and didn't get to be made Masters, they got "General" for a title instead. People complained, it was changed. That's also how the Warrior got to be a Darth.


So, in conclusion... Play lightside? :p:sy_lightside:

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I see what you mean. First of all, if you want more endings, I recommend the Agent. How many are there again? One, two, three, four, maybe five?


Second of all, there actually was a slight consequence at one point. In Beta, DS JKs got a lecture from Satele and didn't get to be made Masters, they got "General" for a title instead. People complained, it was changed. That's also how the Warrior got to be a Darth.


So, in conclusion... Play lightside? :p:sy_lightside:


yea, already got a two IA to play up, so thats awesome to hear with so many endings :p


okay didn't know about that in the beta, but still it was a slight consequence, I'm thinking major consequence.

Something alike, if you choose to kill like a Darth on the Dark Council you would be a number one hunted and then the story would completely change and you (if you did it as a Sith Lord) wouldn't get the title Darth, but like the betrayer or something.


The consequence is just not big enough and the fact that you pretty much would end up with the same result, for most of the classes.


was just a little disappointed that my playstyle didn't had any what so ever impact on my class story and would still end as the Hero, even though she was a cold ***** and almost over in the Dark Jedi path

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