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Merge prophecy of the five server


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i love this game... mainly cause of the guild im in. but over all i still like it... its no swg. but i love star wars so i am playing this game still from beta testing til present. along with DCUO, but... my server P O T F... its DEAD.... can u guys disperse the server or move us to the other pvp server.. i dont know.. i made a character on a heavier server and there was lots of people fast que pops.... i dont know , i like my server , its just dead..
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You should get in line with all the rest of us from that server that are posting about this. lol

On the Server page, to the front page of General. They're staying quiet on it.

Use your 1 free character transfer, take your legacy to a new server & play there. Level up with the 12xp. One day they will do something about Pot5, but until then don't waste your game playing time there. It's dead. I still have 8 toons there. :( But I play on the Harbinger now. So much more LIFE to the game & community.

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