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Has Vitiate's power been retconned?


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All 12 members of the old dark council once plotted to overthrow Vitiate. The moment they entered the imperial citadel to confront Vitiate, all simply dropped dead without any resistance, and their leader Darth Lokess was teleported to the depths of the Citadel against her will by the emperor to be tortured for years to come. Vitiate also broke will and dominated 8 thousands Sith lords in Nathema in order to force them into a ritual that would make him immortal.


These events show that the emperor is nearly omnipotent in comparison to other force users. His 'return' in Rise of the Emperor is rather unimpressive in retrospect of his power shown before. He is either strong nor acting smart in his recent moves.


In the new storyline he failed to dominate any of the dark council members or imperial leaders in significant position to sway the balance of war he is waging against entire galaxy. He ended up consuming Ziost; so what? He turned every living being in the galaxy his enemy. He could have consumed a planet or two with much more ease had he done those rituals before confronting the republic. And why the hell is Vitiate trying to commence his ritual before defeating the republic? He could have finished the war first while hiding his intentions, and then prepare for his ritual when there is none standing in his way. Instead, he chooses to withdraw from the empire which significantly weakens his grip of the empire and the empire's strength which make it harder for him to carry out his ultimate plans.


This feels like the reapers in Mass Effect all over again.


1. present an enemy so powerful that it is logically impossible to defeat simply in order to impress the gamers.


2. when the moment of confrontation comes, start reconning. Significantly weaken the enemy and force him to act utterly stupid so players can beat him.

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SPOILERS (obviously):


Being 'killed' by the Jedi Knight severely weakened him, and even that only came about after he was left weakened / vulnerable by the events of the Sith Warrior story. He was, for all intents and purposes, dead until Revan resurrected him on Yavin.


Even in his weakened state he still (A) dominated the minds of hundreds of people at once on Ziost, and (B) just flat-out killed all life on the planet. Seems like a pretty formidable enemy even in his current state.

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