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Quest conversation gains/losses


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Came back to check out how the game has changed/progressed. Have to say I am disappointed in one area.


For most players, the natural desire is to maximize gain. So in building affection with companions you would choose conversation options that would improve your current companion's affection. There used to be fan sites that catalogued much of these decision trees but apparently those are gone, even as much as it still bogged the game down to have to consult them for each quest.


Backing out of the quest and starting over to choose the right track for your situation has to be one of the most tedious things about this game, I would estimate well greater than 10% of lost clients top reasons centered around this boondoggle even if they didn't realize it. It made progress very slow.


Think of it this way, there are 5 branches of 3 options each. To know which choices are correct for your goals you have 3^5 = 243 combinations... to check. 2 nights and I am already bored of it, but as a gamer shorting myself on the gains is sub optimal and well I (and many others) just don't play that way.


It was suggested way back then and still would be a very wise move to show not just the dark/light paths of conversation choices but the affection gains for your companion as well. And that doesn't begin to broach the issue of which companion is best to have with which quest, as some have no effect in a mission while others may have 100+ gained for certain ones.


Big fail on not rectifying this. For the fanbois that think the "mystery" of not knowing is better - have it a selectable facet of the UI.

Edited by Saxxonknight
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