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Deleting my Sentinel, Join Me In Protest

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A good mara/sent can put anyone on their backfoot. I was in a match with another sentinel earlier and I was using targets target (or w/e you call it) and we were nuking virtually everyone we hit.


Still... WTB movement immunity.


I'll never understand why people use this line of reasoning as a counterargument. Indeed a good player can Sentinel to the Max!1!, but that same player can do even better with an overperforming class. Not to mention this player will be kited, globaled and facerolled by a another of equal skill playing a mobile class. That is why we have leaderboards divided by class; some are just more powerful than others.


As for pve, good f*cking luck when you get to the current HM fights. I hate to say this as I love this class, but Sents/Maras are nothing but dead weight at its one job. Any other class can currently play its role and do better. Hell, a Commando playing in melee range will last longer and deal more damage than this class.


Inb4 another l2p comment, if you have ever played a sentinel you will know that your margin for error is far less forgiving than that of ranged, or even a Guardian for that matter. Sure, it's viable, but you're going to cause a lot of problems for the raid if you don't bring your A-game.

Edited by Trogusaurus
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Sure, it's viable, but you're going to cause a lot of problems for the raid if you don't bring your A-game.


Umm isn't the whole point of doing hard content to be forced to bring your A game?

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I don't understand what you hope to accomplish by debating what-if scenarios. Unless its a loaded question?
There's nothing "what if" or loaded about it. Sents/Maras will get a buff eventually and you'll have deleted yours already. Pointless. Unsub and move on until then.
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I'll never understand why people use this line of reasoning as a counterargument. Indeed a good player can Sentinel to the Max!1!, but that same player can do even better with an overperforming class. Not to mention this player will be kited, globaled and facerolled by a another of equal skill playing a mobile class. That is why we have leaderboards divided by class; some are just more powerful than others.


As for pve, good f*cking luck when you get to the current HM fights. I hate to say this as I love this class, but Sents/Maras are nothing but dead weight at its one job. Any other class can currently play its role and do better. Hell, a Commando playing in melee range will last longer and deal more damage than this class.


Inb4 another l2p comment, if you have ever played a sentinel you will know that your margin for error is far less forgiving than that of ranged, or even a Guardian for that matter. Sure, it's viable, but you're going to cause a lot of problems for the raid if you don't bring your A-game.


I don't deny that, in fact I'm one of the first to admit that anything you can do on a Sentinel you can do easier on another class. That's mainly because every other class in the game (aside from Snipers and Mercs to a degree) are self sufficient to a point. Sentinels are not. Which is why you don't see many in the leader boards at this stage.


The reason I made that argument is because people keep trying to say they are 100% broken in pvp, when they just aren't. A good sentinel will make your life difficult. Two will ruin you. People just need to learn not to face tank entire teams and wonder why they got globalled.


As far as PvE goes, I wouldn't know - I haven't raided since TFB was the Endgame and even then I was healing on a sage.

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It took three healers to keep him alive and the Sorc still beat his DPS.


I saw him use pacify once. 8 seconds of making a dps virtually useless off the gcd, solid work there. Also Rebuke was constantly available while taking damage.. "I'll just faceroll this since I have 3 healers keeping me alive."

Edited by Jboath
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It took three healers to keep him alive and the Sorc still beat his DPS.

He still only did 2k or less DPS (Assuming the match started 45 seconds before the video started), which is pretty easy to get on Combat/Fury if you know what you are doing. If someone wanted to post better examples of Warriors doing well, here you go. The Sentinel one was pre-whatever patch made Transcendence activate on a CD. The Jugg game had a lot more clumping, so had better numbers.

Edited by Emperor-Norton
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The logic here is amazing. Lets delete the class so the developers will fix it!

What use is it for you when changes happen? I mean you deleted your sentinel so you can't benefit.


There is a reason why people say things like 'think before you act'.

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If someone wanted to post better examples of Warriors doing well, here you go.


That is the most dps I ever saw on a Sentinel or a Marauder, respect... Since your team took all 3 nodes and the other players didn´t do that much total damge, I assume it was a relatively quick match and you just spread dots from the beginning like a rocket.


Oh and of course, it also has to be the right enemy to achieve such numbers. At least for me, that´s the case whenever I reached 3k dps or close to it, and they were always long games with maximum uptime on enemy players. And even though I agree that it is rather easy to do much damage with ataru/shi-cho, juyo is now the spec that smash once was, meaning it will always be ahead of the other two damagewise imho.


But still, what you did was amazing. ^^

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Watchman always had the best dmg potential since 3.0 came out in the right specific situations due to dot spread but most of the time the gap between all 3 specs isn't so great unlike say for example assassin where the gap in any given typical game is pretty big between hatred and deception because the dot spread on hatred is so good. Edited by AngusFTW
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If someone wanted to post better examples of Warriors doing well, here


I'd like to see a video of that to know exactly what happened. The scoreboard tells me that the enemy had three mediocre healers are terrible dps. The Sentinel had an amazing healer and was just able to farm DPS. Not to detract from his skills that is still an amazing performance, but it has been my observation that Sentinels only perform great on these fluke circumstances. 95% of warzones sentinel/marauders get immediately focused and globalled.

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Here is a guy that plays his sentinel very well on tofn and not only posts many of his games on yt but also explains a lot how he does things. Even though I main a sent, too, for a very long time, I still could learn one or two things from his vids - especially the solo ranked ones. Edited by Quangus
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That is the most dps I ever saw on a Sentinel or a Marauder, respect... Since your team took all 3 nodes and the other players didn´t do that much total damge, I assume it was a relatively quick match and you just spread dots from the beginning like a rocket.


Oh and of course, it also has to be the right enemy to achieve such numbers. At least for me, that´s the case whenever I reached 3k dps or close to it, and they were always long games with maximum uptime on enemy players. And even though I agree that it is rather easy to do much damage with ataru/shi-cho, juyo is now the spec that smash once was, meaning it will always be ahead of the other two damagewise imho.


But still, what you did was amazing. ^^

IIRC, we capped Mid pretty soon by the usual annihilating their team quickly, while Snow was auto capped. Then me and our Healer went to yet to be capped Grass and everything just converged there. I actually didn't do a lot of Dot spread since people didn't stack up beyond the twos and threes, so I manually dotted people up a bit and tried to burn them down with single target attacks. That Novare though, their team had three Healers that just decided to stack together and their team decided to chill with them. Lots of Vengeful Slams on 5+ people.


Imo Anni since 3.0 was always the best of the three, it was just super weird to play and had a big learning curve, so barely anyone could do it.


And Thanks. :)

I'd like to see a video of that to know exactly what happened. The scoreboard tells me that the enemy had three mediocre healers are terrible dps. The Sentinel had an amazing healer and was just able to farm DPS. Not to detract from his skills that is still an amazing performance, but it has been my observation that Sentinels only perform great on these fluke circumstances. 95% of warzones sentinel/marauders get immediately focused and globalled.
I didn't record it, so you only can go on what I posted above.


Maras like Snipers don't have the vestigial connections of a class that can Tank or Heal (Taunts, Offheals, etc.), so rely on having a Tank or Healer, but when they do they perform on par with the other classes. They just need a counter to being stunned like UR usable while stunned, Ravage on the move in place of root, and a CD reduction on Undying. Other than that, they are balanced from an effectiveness POV (other classes may be unbalanced though). Still needs QOL changes to Watchman (bring back 2.10 plz) and Combat.


Oh and Carbonize OP, plz nerf.

Watchman always had the best dmg potential since 3.0 came out in the right specific situations due to dot spread but most of the time the gap between all 3 specs isn't so great unlike say for example assassin where the gap in any given typical game is pretty big between hatred and deception because the dot spread on hatred is so good.

This. Watchman actually had really good potential, it was just incredibly hard to pull off on top of being really easy to counter, unlike Hatred with almost as good potential but very easy to pull off and hard to counter. 3.2.1 lowered the potential for Watchman imo but made it easier to pull off. That game was before 3.2.1 for the record.

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