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Merc healing pvp uilities help

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Hi i dont have much experience with this class and i am looking to make a healer as this is the only heal class i am missing now. Is there any advice you guys can give me with utilities because i can't find any solid guides on this really.


For PVE, or PVP?

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Hello I personally use this set up Tier 1 Skillful- Custom enviro suit, Power barrier, Afterburners.


some variants that i like to play around with are replacing power barrier for gyroscopic alignment jets or improved vents to push heat harder and break away from rotations. Also with resolve not rooting targets that are white barred anymore replacing afterburners with one of those as well to push heat to extreme levels totally preference based.


Tier 2 Masterful- Protective field and Power Shield.

Some other ones to also try are suit foe to help deal with powerful dotters like hatred sins and sadness sorcs, or torque boosters for a 20 second cd on hydraulic overrides bringing it to an equal footing with sorcs force speed in terms of cd if they don't take a heroic talent( I personally dislike torque boosters because I feel as though our hydraulic overrides is to slow to actually escape much although others have found it to be very useful.


Tier 3 Heroic- Energy re-bounder and Stabilized armor


Energy rebounder to help reduce the cd of our main def cd which is also boosted from the masterful tier so this utility really just brings it all together. Stabilized armor because as merc in general you will normally find yourself with some form of melee in your face and they will most likely stun you. As a healer you will normally find yourself with multiple enemies attacking you and stunning you trying to open up burst window's this drastically reduces that burst while you are stunned and will prevent more deaths than you can count.


Some variants I've seen used before and done myself are thrill of the hunt normally combined with torque boosters from the masterful tier for nice kiting while casting progressive scan. Main downside I personally see to that is that progressive scan can still be interrupted while moving. Another utility is power overrides this lil baby is so very strong and makes me wish I could fit it in the extra charge can bring our burst up to higher levels without the fear of being interrupted with another ability. Such as using Emergency scan >Healing scan>SCG>(resets healing scans cd) powersurge talented>Healing scanx2>thermal sensor overide>into a intterupt immune progressive scan>kolto missile for massive burst and with a talented power surge it just lets this combination happen more often.



Another funny set up I was experimenting with was Afterburners, Jet escape, and Jet re bounder for a silly low cd on Jet boost sadly the resolve is built up is to high and it's essentially useless vs white barred targets.


Hope this helps and try experimenting with stuff yourself.

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