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Returning Player LF OPs Guild [Imperial]


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Hi guys! I've played this game since a few months after launch and left the game mid RotHC. I came back about a month ago and made a guild with my friends. Unfortunately, they all have left SWTOR and I am still here enjoying the game.


I am looking to join a small to medium sized OPs guild. I am a Sith Assassin, spec'd for damage (Deception). I am lvl 60 and in mostly item rating 190/192 with the exception of a few pieces. I am a quick learner, and I tend not to make the same mistake twice. Reason why I like small to med size guilds is because I feel as if we can bond and build a friendship which (based upon experience) relates to success [in most cases]. I used to be a hardcore Normal/Heroic raider in World of Warcraft as an Unholy Death Knight. So, I am looking for the same type of guild that can progress into Hardmodes.


I am available:

Mon - All Day

Tues - After 9:30pm EST

Wed - All Day

Thurs - After 9:30PM EST

Fri - After 9:30pm EST

Sat - 10pm EST

Sun - After 8:30pm


Character name: Exurea

Class: Sith Assassin

Spec: Deception

Server: Jedi Cov

Faction: Imperial


Please send me a message either on here on in game. [PS] My sig needs updating, but I have a lvl 55 marauder as well, and I am leveling a Juggernaut in case needed for tanking.

Edited by AloneJedeye
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We are a newly formed Imperial Guild on the Jedi Covenant server. Our primary focus is PvE Progression. For those of you who do not know what Progressions is, we simply focus on starting the PvE content (flashpoints, hard modes, tacticals, operations, etc.) as soon as we hit level cap, starting with the lowest forms, dailies and tacticals. We do dailies and tacticals until we have a group geared enough to do some hard mode flashpoints. Once we have enough people geared from all of that, we move on to starting to progress through each operation on story mode difficulty one at a time, starting with the easiest, and moving our way up. Once we have a full ops group geared enough to do ever operation, we start focusing on doing hard modes that same way we did story modes. Once this is done, you do that same for nightmare mode. We are currently looking for players of any level and skill. Once this is done, we will start getting together on our Progression nights to get some content knocked out. We currently use TeamSpeak3 as our primary means of voice chatting. If you have any questions or would like to apply for the Progression Groups or the Guild, please feel free to message me anytime, apply to the website, or comment on here. Thank you.




Edited by azusaf
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