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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Juyo Mastery useless with Hungering changes?

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I have been playing Annihilation/Watchman for quite a while before this recent patch, and the Juyo Mastery passive always seemed to be in place for the purpose of boosting your chances of receiving healing from Hungering. Now that Hungering heals a percent of the damage done, it occurred to me that perhaps a small change could be made to make use of this old passive. Several ideas crossed my mind to fix this, and I thought they may be worth posting:


1) Change the passive to affect all attacks instead of just bleed attacks. Even just throwing Annihilate on there could be a good idea, since they would provide more single target DPS for the spec and give it some "Juyo" flavor.


2) Juyo Mastery would gain the effect of Bloodlust, and Bloodlust would provide 20% of damage from Annihilate as health per stack of Juyo form (I must say this one is my favorite).


3) Going back to tapping into the essence of Juyo, Juyo Mastery could somehow increase or Rage/Focus generation - since traditionally Sith users of Juyo would have unbridled rage and a Jedi would have to use more intense focus to resist succumbing to the Dark Side. Also, we would really benefit from additional resource generation. Perhaps once you reach six stacks of Juyo you gain X Rage/Focus?


4) Switch Juyo Mastery and Bloodlust as in option 2, and Bloodlust could become a cookie cutter execute on dot proc passive.


I did my best to think up ideas that would not only fit the discipline from a gameplay perspective, but I also wanted to make sure each suggestion was true to Juyo. I hope you all agree that Juyo Mastery is outdated and could use a change!

Edited by TitusOfTides
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