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Veiled Power (short story)


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It slips and drips along the surface of the mind. Like polluted water the dark side clings to the surface of you thoughts like liquids do on a ceiling. Defiant of gravity it softens the structure of the mind till the collapse till the place that was once been your mind no longer looks the same.






Drops of filthy water fell from the ceiling of the large circular prison cell. Dark stone walls of large chiseled blocks and dirt covered brick floors. A single circular orb light like a setting sun hung from the high ceiling above hidden where the light could not reach. A single chain held it aloft disappearing into the dark above giving the illusion of hanging from nothing.


A heavily scarred bald man in red leather armour of a Sith overseer held a eclectic stun sword circling a young human male in dirty slaves clothes. The boys black hair was oily and tattered but not long. A leather blindfold was bound round his eyes.


The leathered man swung again.


"Move mirlukan!" He laughed as the blow landed across the boys back. The audible zap as the sword connected echoed in the wide stone room followed by the crude laughter of the tormentor.


"Avrose, are you going to crawl round in the dirt to avoid me?" He taunted the boy.


Avrose gasped but retained the urge of frustration to cry out. The mirilukan was on his hands and knees straining his hearing to its limit as the world spun round unknown to him. He dragged himself toward the stone walls on the cell he was in but not before the harsh zap of a practice sword caught him in the ribs again.






"Hard to gaged this humming blade with your ears blind one? Not so easy when I sap your connection to the force is it?" The overseer said in rye amusement.


Avrose flinched when the humming stopped but relaxed in relief, the beating was over.


"I'll leave you to your thoughts. Let this lesson sink in: you have to adapt to everything and some force disciplines require everything you have. Your people maybe strong in the force but in a moment of extreme effort or if someone drains your connection you can't be found useless."


The door to the large round cell hissed shut and Avrose was sure he was now alone.






It was fuzzy at first but his 'vision' slowly returned. He reached out testing his awareness making sure even though this is a ritual his overseer inflicted often he had to check to see if there was lasting damage. Sometimes it came back slower depending if the overseer lingered or if the beating was especially savage. His perception returning though a cause of relief made him wonder if the one of these days it may not. He heard tales of people being cut off from the force forever at the hands of the single powerful force masters.


Granted the overseer was far from a paragon of ability he clearly researched ways to disable students if needed.


Avrose didn't stretch out his perception to far, if the overseer or another Sith felt his vision they were apt to return. No one in the academy trusted him. His vision saw so much and many of the students refused to work with an alien much less one who could see into their soul and easily see duplicity. As a result Avrose focused his skills into making his presence very small in the force, even managing to vanish from sight all together.






While the overseer was caught saying he had high hopes for Avrose he was hellbent on breaking the mirilukan. The beatings and force deprivation were meant to harden an d make Avrose adapt but more importantly make him fight back, get angry.


Avrose never did.


Lest not that way.


Most would describe anger as fire, burning, consuming both its target and the user.


The dark sides manifested in this beaten boys mind much differently. There was no fury, no fear, just a cold calculated desire to extract vengeance.






Filthy water fell from above. Avrose held out his hand, cupping it till he had enough for a foul drink.






The filth washing away his nobility one drop at a time, filling his head with vengeance, cold, soulless, vengeance.






Avrose Sith Assassin

Ebon Hawk

Edited by Avrose
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