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@Devs about Watchman / Annihilation

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Ok, so we won't underestimate Force Melt anymore and we align our strongest abilities to be on Cooldown and apply Dots seamlessly. This leads us to this "rotation":


Merciless Slash | Annihilate (+ Overload | Deadly Saber every other block)





Force Melt | Rend goes in the first "something" spot and two rotations later it goes in the last "something" spot. This is definitely the best way to play this build with Dots and Merciless | Annihilate being our strongest abilities by a good margin.


As you can see, this rotation does not have two consecutive GCDs for Master Strike | Ravage. So we clip it and use its first GCD only, preferably on Cooldown.


Next priority for "something" is building focus without capping, so Zealous Strike | Battering Assault und Force Leap | Charge. And after that we try to use procced Double | Twin Saber Throw in "something". That's it!



I tried about 10 different roations that played differently, trying to fit in full Master Strikes | Ravages. I even went back to my old set bonus to boost Master Strike | Ravage damage, it still makes no sense to use it in full.



I am finding this extremely boring and tiresome to play. There's no change of pace, no rhythm, no interplay or synergy between abilities. It's just hammering the same two skills for half of the rotation and chosing the obvious filler for two other GCDs. While DPS is fine, this is a mere shadow of the enjoyment this spec has given me for years after launch.


Imo the point of Watchman | Annihilation gameplay was abilites actually being connected to one another and excitement not coming from aligning set Cooldowns and Dot durations, but spontaneously reacting to changing situations.


With this build it's just about slightly different choice for "something", meaning if you have no resources for the best choice, you auto attack. If that's meant to bring the same enjoyment as working for a Cauterize proc was, it failed on me.


Added to this, I hate cutting a channeled ability in half. It's even worse than with Telekinetic Throw in Sages' Dot spec pre 3.0., as that was a continous flow of pebbles. Whereas cutting Master Strike | Ravage in half just looks plain stupid and trivializes an ability that's among the most iconic ones in the game. One reason for the changes to Dot Sage was proclaimed to be avoiding canceling channeled abilities as that was considered bad design. I agree.



So at this point I'd honestly like to know: Is what I described above the way this spec was actually designed to be played? Or did something go wrong with damage values, cooldown and dot timings and the basic rotation was meant to be different?



Edit: Evidence parse. As I said, DPS is perfectly fine, but, boy, did I hate playing that parse.

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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this sounds like logic to me, I am pretty sure they don't care what you (any of us) think. Judging from the past couple months at least. I dare (hope) they prove me wrong. Edited by Lafay
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