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Any active guilds?


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I've posted this on Shadowlands server as well because these two seem to be the most populated...?


I'm looking to join up with an active guild, I'm hoping for one that has many people on in the evenings. I plan on running a healer for the most part, I'm in the middle of trying out an operative, and I think I'm going to try sorc/sage next. I am not committed to a side yet, I kind of wanted to see which faction is more active. Are there any suggestions as to which side is better for queues at least, if there are no guilds recruiting?


Thanks for any info you guys can throw my way

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Grievance - Family, Honor, Loyalty


Hi Dogsand, we at Grievance are a mature, 18+, family-friendly, Founder guild/community and have people on daily. We focus only on a Republic presence on the Jedi Covenant server but if you are interested in Empire we have a less-active guild on The Shadowlands. As for Jedi Covenant population it seems fairly balanced across factions PvE-wise while PvP at end-game is skewed Imperial. Our Grievance Republic guild on JC there are a number of us typically interested in running dailies, Flashpoints, PvP, the occasional Galactic Star Fighter and just hanging out in Teamspeak. We also have a number of folks leveling their mains and several others leveling alts. If you are interested in end-game when you reach level 60, our Operations nights are Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday but we do not have strict attendance requirements so we do not run with fixed raiding teams since we understand people do have lives outside of SWTOR :). We are still running the new 8-man and 16-man Storymode Operations when necessary to gear folks but we have started focusing more on the Hardmodes, and cleared the Hardmode Dread Operations at level 55. Also, we have a Guild Flagship and even conquered Balmorra and Taris! :w_cool:


If you would like more information you can PM me and/or visit our guild community web-site www.grievancegaming.org to find out more info, read our charter, register and apply. Good luck and have fun!

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The Knights of New Hope (Republic Side)

Thank you for taking the time to read our guild message. Our guild has been raiding strong since the game was launched, with members originating from all sorts of different games. We are now working on getting a nice, stable daily crowd online and a secondary group has started to surface. We need willing raiders to join us and participate in scheduled events. Here are some of our features outlined for you:

  • Organized and Regularly Scheduled Operations
  • Team Speak 3 Voice Chat
  • XP Boost 10%, Rep Boost 8%
  • Age 18+
  • Founder Guild
  • Website: http://www.theknightsofnewhope.com
  • Multi-Game guild - Sister Guilds on The Elder Scrolls Online and Guild Wars 2
  • Friendly and Knowledgeable Staff
  • Gear Ladder for top end loot
  • Live Streamed Operations to the website
  • Possibility of Promotion

Please contact us on here, on our website: http://www.theknightsofnewhope.com , or contact us in game: Moondread, Lexilyn or Roha.

Edited by Moonsleeper
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We are a newly formed Imperial Guild on the Jedi Covenant server. Our primary focus is PvE Progression. For those of you who do not know what Progressions is, we simply focus on starting the PvE content (flashpoints, hard modes, tacticals, operations, etc.) as soon as we hit level cap, starting with the lowest forms, dailies and tacticals. We do dailies and tacticals until we have a group geared enough to do some hard mode flashpoints. Once we have enough people geared from all of that, we move on to starting to progress through each operation on story mode difficulty one at a time, starting with the easiest, and moving our way up. Once we have a full ops group geared enough to do ever operation, we start focusing on doing hard modes that same way we did story modes. Once this is done, you do that same for nightmare mode. We are currently looking for players of any level and skill. Once this is done, we will start getting together on our Progression nights to get some content knocked out. We currently use TeamSpeak3 as our primary means of voice chatting. If you have any questions or would like to apply for the Progression Groups or the Guild, please feel free to message me anytime, apply to the website, or comment on here. Thank you.




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