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JC Server Event: Great Galactic Race (Republic Side)


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<Errant Adventures> is pleased to sponsor The Great Galactic Race.on the Jedi Covenant Server.The Great Galactic Race is a NON-COMBAT trivia/puzzle event. Compete against other teams to solve a series of puzzles, and race to reach the final destination and claim your prize.


Who: All Republic Players are welcome (F2P, Preferred, or Subs), in teams of 2.


When: Saturday, June 20th @ 6:00PM Server Time


Where: Teams should report to the Telos (Via Republic Fleet Interfleet Transport) Bridge Deck. First Clue will be given via promptly at 6:00 PM.


Level Requirements: Due to some event locations it is recommended that all participants have reached Level 30, and have made it minimally to Tatooine.



At the start of the race, all participants will receive a clue that will direct them to their next destination... at each destination, you will receive a clue to the next destination, and a website link that will repeat the clue and provide available hints (there will be timers to prevent teams from not trying to figure out the clue on their own). Each clue will lead you to another destination within the game, and may test your knowledge of the game, game mechanics, or Star Wars in general. Reading the clue, and reading into the clue will be important as not only will it direct you where to go, but may also hint at actions you must take once you reach the your next destination.


There will be physical challenges (bring those Mario skills), as well as mental challenges. You make seek help from other players (except those running the event, they will provide no additional help or assistance beyond giving you the clue, and website info). Any/All challenges will be able to be accomplished by all players (no purchased items/unlocks will be required).


Both Team Members MUST complete the required task in order to receive their next clue. Clues will be given to the registered team leader, via whisper, once both players complete the required action.


Please Note: When you register, be sure which Characters will be participating... we need to have an accurate list to the destination contacts BEFORE the event starts.




* Prizes will be delivered via Trade or In-Game mail, in the case of F2P. Credit Prizes will be broken up into smaller units (no less than 100,000) to avoid any credit cap limitaions.


First Place Team: 12 Cartel Packs (2 packs of each of the last 6 packs) - Estimated Value 3 Million Credits (as of 5/29/2015) AND 1 Million Credits


Second Place Team: 1 Million Credits


Third Place Team: 500,000 Credits


Register Your Team Here

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Two weeks until the event :)


Some FAQ:


Q: Is there an entry fee?

A: No; honestly the event grew out of a proposed guild event. We aren't doing this to make credits, we simply wanted to do something fun.


Q: Do I need to have a teammate, or can I go solo?

A: 2 Member Teams are required. If you have difficulty finding a team mate; I recommend you post here that you are LFG


Q: How do you know who wins?

A: As teams (complete teams) arrive at all location it will be noted which teams arrive first based on order in chat window. The coordinators will record the teams position at each location. However, the order in which they arrive at the final location is the determining factor on who wins.


Q: How are the prizes distributed?

A: Where possible the prizes will be distributed via trade immediately following the event. Prizes will be divided and each player receiving half of the total prize amount. If a player does not have the ability to trade (F2P), their portion of the prize will be mailed to them. We will break down any credit amount into smaller chunks (no less 100,000 credits) to avoid any issues with credit cap (i.e. if your prize is 250,000; we will send you 3 in game mails (2x 100,000 and 1 x 50,000).


Q: Will there be hints?

A: Yes; each destination clue will be given as a webpage address. That webpage will provide hint links, that will direct you (after a waiting period) to the hint. Some puzzles will have multiple hints. However, all clues can be deciphered without hints, and you are welcome to use the web, or for help from anyone you wish. Please note; event organizers will only provide you with the clue web link, no additional information will be given by the organizers.


Q: Is this an official game event?

A: No, BW/EA is in no way involved, other than providing the game in which to hold the event. This is a player/guild sponsored event only.

Edited by Drockter
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