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<Symphony of the Forsaken> recruiting for HM Operations


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Hello all! SoF, imp side, is now recruiting for their HM progression team. We are running into people having to leave for summer for RL reasons. It is not going to be a charity invite. We expect you to know your class and become a valuable asset to our guild and team.


Tank - Either of the 3 will work. Even though PT and Jugg are preferred, if you know how to play your Sin well then it is still very viable. Have your 6 piece and in mostly 192 non com gear.


DPS - Looking for ranged here. Merc, Sorc, Sniper. Please know how to play your classes different specs. Example: If you are on ads as a merc, you might want to switch to Arsenal.


Heal - Looking for a Merc healer!!!! We already have a Sorc healer and would like to pair that with a merc. Have your 6 piece or at least a 4 piece (we can run you through SM in 30 min and get your 6 piece with no problem.


If any of these interest you, please message Rhu'two in game! I look forward to running with you!

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