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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Parses needed for DPS simulator


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Hey Commandoes/Mercernaries

I'm working on a dps simulator (link) and have decided (was convinced) that the next class i was going to simulate would be dps scoundrels. I was wondering if i could have some people submit a couple of parses.


I would need:

1. The gear you are parsing in

2. 2 parses WITHOUT relics and adrenals

3. 2 parses WITH adrenals




P.S. Looking for better parses than what i can do

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Is the second with or without relics?


Either way:



The 215 and 207 TTK's are no adrenals and relics. The 209 and 202 are with adrenals and relics. The unfinished with 121 seconds was a heat management screw up so ignore it. This is what parses look like when RNGesus hates you.


Gear (w/ class buffs and stim, and all aim/cunning datacrons): 204/198 BiS. 4411 Aim, 163 cunning, 1470 power, 694 crit, 490 surge, 172 alacrity, 756 accuracy. Primary Dmg 1928-2482, secondary 183-340. Relics are revanite focused retribution and serendipitous assault. Also I use advanced anodyne reflex stims and AA power adrenals.

Edited by Goatwhore
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