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JC Guild Summit meeting time CHANGE to 3pm EST.


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Our monthly JC Summit meetings are normally held on the last Saturday of the month @ 6pm. We get together to discuss server events, game play and what we would like to see added or fixed in the game. Unfortunately, we have to change the time to 3pm EST this week as we try to accommodate others. We sincerely apologize for the last minute change. We will do our best to notify each GM or an officer of each guild that has participated in the past in game or via email.


If you are the GM of a guild and haven't attended these meetings in the past and would like to represent your guild at this event, please contact one of the following for TS info:


Bay'bee, Synthetic, Hayward (pub side) or Automaton, Feldspar, Temphest (imp side)


Thanks to all of you who participate in this event!



Edited by Cinnders
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You know, kudos for putting all of this together. Having so many guilds/people from all aspects of the game in one place is great for the community, which makes any MMO just that much better.


Given the limited time constraint, the only thing I would like to see is more time spent on community events over some of the other topics. If you want to talk fixes / gameplay less may be more within the time available. Especially if you want fixes, you are better off making a thread somewhere on the forums instead of waiting a month to voice concerns to people who are probably going to agree anyway.


Having so many guilds together is a great thing, so may as well use it in the best possible way.

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It would be cool if we could use part of the Guild Summit time to discuss creating Server Wide social events and not just PvP. Maybe Guilds creating In Game events that the community is invited to join in on and other guilds can donate prizes to.

Perhaps a Server Lottery?

PvE Timed Ops Runs?

Datacron Runs?

Organized PUG Runs of Old, but still challenging content?

Organized (Scheduled or at least tentative) Open World PvP in the Lawless Sands or on Illum?


We all know what the problems are at this point, we all know what Bugs, glitches, QoL fixes and issues we would like to see addressed. Lets put a positive spin on it all and do some cool stuff to help our guilds stay fun.

Granted some folks prefer their Guilds and Game time to be all business and hardcore progression and haordcore PvP, but ultimately this is a game and games should be fun.


Hayward and the folks at TOR Community have given us a means to band together and really do something unique here.

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