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Maras and Predation


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I think this is my first post on the forums, Been playing since release, took a very long break from the game and came back to find that i really needed to make some new characters. My Jugg is level 40 now and you dont need to be a rocket scientist to realize that a Mara is Half a Jugg. When this beast is finished and sporting a full set of teir 1 pvp gear , HAH ! Cant wait man. Been on the receiving end of their sabers now since the beginning. I also have a decently geared shadow who recently opened the doors for me in pvp.Currently i am downloading the new Mara nerf. I still play my Mara and probably always will because he was my first. Ill always have a soft spot for that class regardless of how bad it is in its current form. Instead of going into detail here about the class and all the improvements it needs I just have one question ide like answered by a dev if at all possible.


Why the 30 second refresh for Predation? Ide rather spend the Fury to be honest. I mean really, im about to go lay into my target dummy after im done writting this and see just what i can look forward to for the next several months. " or years? HAHA ! What i dont see is how this is going to help me in Ops. " this post really isnt about pvp even though I spend a great deal doing it."

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