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Legacy Abilities


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I would like to see the class abilities usable outside of heroic, and my proposal is for FTP=x1 per day, Pref=x1 every 6 hours and Sub=x1 every 3 hrs or some such. Its a great demonstration of finishing a class and the reward for such.
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I don't understand your sugestion OP.

You can use Heroic Time and all the Legacy abilities far more often than that. All you need is an active companion.

Using them in PvP is, undertandably, unbalancing, so I'm against making it possible.

On FPs and OPs it (might) alter the balance of the fights in favour of the players in an unintended way. Doesn't seem much of a problem, but it might become ground for "discrimination" of players when grouping ("if you don't have the lagacy abilities we don't want you in our group" sort of thing).

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I don't understand your sugestion OP.


I'm not sure if this is quite how the topic creator intended it but I think the idea would be turn out something like this:


* Heroic abilities would still require an active companion, but they remove the restriction that the abilities must be used while Heroic Moment is active. Heroic Moment will still require an active companion as well. This keeps the abilities out of warzones, ops, and fully grouped flashpoints just the same as the current restrictions do.


* Heroic ability cooldowns are all lengthened significantly. Instead of having irrelevant cooldowns which are always shorter than the cooldown for Heroic Moment they can go on cooldown for anywhere from a few hours to many hours depending on the player's account status. Without my next bullet point, this would actually be worse than the way it currently works because even those getting the best side of the deal would be locked out of the heroic abilities for much longer than we currently get locked out of them.


* (My addition to this idea, doesn't seem to be implied by the topic creator but it would be an essential detail): The behavior of Heroic Moment would be tweaked so that when it is activated it either resets all heroic ability cooldowns or subtracts a certain amount of time from all of them (which could be done either all at once in one large amount upon activation or in many small bursts over time by subtracting with every tick of healing that we get from Heroic Moment over its duration). This could be scaled so that subscribers effectively get behavior the same as what we currently have by having cooldowns low enough and reductions high enough that all of the heroic ability cooldowns just get reset each time a subscriber uses Heroic Moment.


* The overall effect of these changes would be that instead of hitting Heroic Moment and then trying to pile up every single heroic ability on the target while you have the chance we would instead have the heroic abilities available to toss out there casually at any time (possibly stretching out their use over many different fights using one at a time) and Heroic Moment becomes more of a tool to help speed along the end of their cooldowns instead of always making them all available at the same time.


While I'm brainstorming...


Bonus idea: Perhaps a slight overhaul to the system while they're at it? Add 8 new heroic abilities and have it so that the current 8 and the new 8 are all unlocked by an appropriate advanced class. With this addition, possibly consider restricting the unlocks by faction. (Only Imperials get to use the heroic abilities from the Imperial classes. Only Republic characters get the ones from Republic classes.) Also consider adding new heroic abilities inspired by the companions and unlocked for completing certain achievements about the companions. They might make these unlocks restricted to characters that can have the companion. (Only Inquisitors get the heroic abilities from the Inquisitor companions. Only Knights get the ones from the Knight companions. And so on. Although if the ship droids, Treek, and HK can unlock anything the one for the ship droids will be faction specific and the ones for Treek and HK will go to everybody in the legacy.)

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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Ok, I understand now and I kinda like it!

The Legacy abilities are very powerful and should be used sparingly. Long cooldowns do the trick. And when you're in a pinch, activate Heroic Moment and their cooldown is finished! Since the "having a companion active" restriction applies, I don't see it creating any problems down the line.


Bonus idea: Perhaps a slight overhaul to the system while they're at it? Add 8 new heroic abilities and have it so that the current 8 and the new 8 are all unlocked by an appropriate advanced class. With this addition, possibly consider restricting the unlocks by faction. (Only Imperials get to use the heroic abilities from the Imperial classes. Only Republic characters get the ones from Republic classes.) Also consider adding new heroic abilities inspired by the companions and unlocked for completing certain achievements about the companions. They might make these unlocks restricted to characters that can have the companion. (Only Inquisitors get the heroic abilities from the Inquisitor companions. Only Knights get the ones from the Knight companions. And so on. Although if the ship droids, Treek, and HK can unlock anything the one for the ship droids will be faction specific and the ones for Treek and HK will go to everybody in the legacy.)


As for this, I'm not really a fan.

The idea of Legacy abilities is that they are Legacy wide, so restricting them by faction goes against the original meaning of those abilities. I honestly don't think we need more of them. We already have 10 (one for each class plus the alignement ones). If we had one for each AC and companions (even class restricted) the number would jump to 23-26 (16 for classes, 2 for alignement and 5-8 for companions). That is WAY too much. Besides, finishing your companions conversatoins and quests already unlocks passive bonuses for the whole Legacy.

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I disagree with all of this. I feel the game is easy enough as it is. I have all the legacy attacks and barely find myself in a situation to ever use them, even when attacked by a flagged player during questing. If they even would concider tweaking anything about heroic moments and legacy abilities, they should remove the 10 minute cooldown on the abilities (because it makes no sense for them to even have a cooldown when the heroic moment itself has a cooldown of 15 mins and they can't be used outside of heroic moment) and give the heroic moment Global Unlocks that lowers the heroic moment's cooldown to 5 mins when all unlocks have been purchased. Currently, maxed out companions already increase Heroic Moment's duration so a player can have a long duration of heroic moment (around 3-4 mins of it) if they did the easy work of maxing them out. With a 3-4 min duration, a player can spread out the 8 legacy abilities throughout an entire mission using. Questing in the game is already like cutting a hot knife through butter, using heroic moment through the whole thing would be... overkill, but it seems that is what you want.
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Personally I don't mind needing Heroic moment to activate my legacy abilities, if they became more mainstream use they would have to be toned down a bit so not to make you OP.


Though the one point you bought up was something I only noticed myself yesterday is that the cooldown on the abilities is much shorter than the cooldown on my heroic moment which is set at about 15 mins. Now I still have 3 imperial classes to finish so I know I am supposed to lower that still a bit more but that will only lower it by about 3 1/2 mins which still puts it a few minutes longer than the legacy abilities.


I know there have been bugs where the cooldown has not been applied after completing all conversations on companions. Does this mean Heroic moment cooldown is still bugged?

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