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Virulance Sniper - Lethal shot far too quiet/or bugged - Video inside


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As you can see and probably know anyways, since 3.0 the new attack for virulance snipers is lethal shot, however the volume levels for it are about half of the rest of the abilities + basic shot.


The video highlights this, i start with a lethal shot, then other abilities fired after are much much louder. Its very very annoying when playing virulance as most fights due to its silence you can barely hear the damn thing firing at all.


Yet another sniper bug/issue after the massive penetrating blasts sound/animation bug for all female snipers and male body type 3/4 ones


Magnetic blast and energy burst had the same issue when 3.0 came out on AP pt's, they were super quiet but were made louder in a patch, can the same be done for lethal shot please.


Thanks for reading.

Edited by HuNtOziO
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