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[BUG] Loot pillar persists after looting


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I'd like to report a very old bug that has been in-game since the beta but never got fixed. I've seen it mentioned before but there was never a detailed bug report on it. After seeing this bug for many years, over the time I have gathered enough information to be able to offer reproduction steps for this bug.


Traditionally, whenever a mob with loot dies, the following happens:


  1. The NPC reaches 0 HP and dies.
  2. The NPC drops to the ground and plays the death animation.
  3. Once the animation stopped, a loot pillar appears above the body.
  4. As soon as you looted the NPC, the loot pillar disappears.



However, it is actually possible to already loot the NPC during 2), before the loot pillar is displayed. In some very specific cases, you can loot and the loot pillar will stay lit. In those cases, it will continue being displayed forever and is only despawned when you leave the area. In other words, long after the NPC respawned you will still see it, it never disappears.


This bug can only happen with harvestable NPCs, i.e. droids (Scavenging) and animals (Bioanalysis).


Steps to reproduce (must have auto-loot turned off):


  1. As soon as you kill a droid/animal, right-click it to open the loot window.
  2. Wait half a second while the dying animation is played.
  3. Click the "Loot All" button a fraction of a second before the loot pillar appears. In other words, the looting command must happen exactly at the same time as the client tries to display the loot pillar.


I've been able to reproduce this bug in like 75% of all cases. Once you know what to look out for, it is relatively easy to reproduce.


When you have area loot turned on, the bug can also happen in the following way:


  1. For example, a droid dropped a trash item and displays the usual pale blue loot pillar.
  2. Next to it is an NPC with a green loot pillar.
  3. Once you loot the droid, the loot pillar changes its color from blue to green.
  4. If you click the Loot All button just when the pillar changes its color, it will actually stay lit even after you looted.




The bugged loot pillar looks slightly different from a real loot pillar. It is a little paler than an actual loot pillar. Therefore, it appears like only a remnant or outline of the loot pillar persists, not the full pillar.

In the following screenshots, the left pillar is the bugged one; the pillar on the right is the correct one.




Also reported with an in-game ticket.

Edited by Jerba
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I have auto-loot on and this happens anyway.

Thanks for the reply! I do have a question though: Do you still click the "Loot All" button to take the loot yourself, or do you get the bug even as you wait for auto-loot?

Because from my experience, auto-loot always waits a second before looting and this may not be fast enough for this bug to show up.

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