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PB still Broke


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When are they going to fix PB, the animation is wrong, it isn't firing 3 to 5 shots at all. I parsed it out and I am perfectly min maxed and before it was avg 8k give or take. Now after parse it only fires one shot and deal 3K.. WTH!!!!! PLEASE address this issue. Any other MM please still having this issue. :rak_02:
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I parsed it out again and it is still showing low numbers for this ability.. UGGGGGG. Other sniper unite please our class needs love and we are becoming the ugly red headed step child. (No offence to those who are step children, red haired or ugly) it is just a saying.


As a community we need to scream loud we need some attention!!!!!!!:mad:

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This bug is probably hard to reproduce and find, since it is inconsistant. It does not fail everytime for everyone. For me, for example, it hardly ever fails.

Not sayinf that I do not want it solved, just saying that it might be hard to locate in the code.

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Tonight took my sniper in SM to Underlurker, once again, even though my rotation is solid and we down it, my parse was not where it should be. PB fired one time, animation showed once, parce showed one hit per. Unreal, I love my sniper but this needs to be addressed. MM should not need to reroll to another spec because of fights, NO class should have to do that. DEV's please address the sniper PB and fix our class.. I don't want us to face roll any other class but at least make us viable. :confused:


I am tried of no love for snipers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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That's not what the Devs are addressing. There seems to be some issue regarding the knockback on Speed Shot/Penetrating Blasts. It doesn't talk about Penetrating Blasts specifically. Hopefully they will catch this soon.


Edit: Actually just used the report feature to let them know about it. This is a little ridiculous.

Edited by Camelpockets
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I am hoping that the dev's realize this soon. However has a community we need to ban together and get some love for the class. In raids folks are asking MM to change to another spec and in my opinion this is wrong! Each class and spec should be able to participate in raids.


PB needs to be address, I tried an experiment by using SS through a raid and it was a complete joke! Folks speak loud and speak long, lets get our class fixed.

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