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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please, no new expansion just before Christmas

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As much as I am dying for some new content in the game, I beg the Bioware team to not release a new expansion just before going on your 2-3 week holiday break.


We all know how well it turned out last year. Lets not repeat that mistake again this year.


Either release it in November which allows plenty of time to fix all the bugs and patch up any exploits we find. Cause you know there will be. Or wait till after the 1st of the year when you all will be back to work full time and able to address said problems in an expedient time frame.

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As much as I am dying for some new content in the game, I beg the Bioware team to not release a new expansion just before going on your 2-3 week holiday break.


We all know how well it turned out last year. Lets not repeat that mistake again this year.


Either release it in November which allows plenty of time to fix all the bugs and patch up any exploits we find. Cause you know there will be. Or wait till after the 1st of the year when you all will be back to work full time and able to address said problems in an expedient time frame.



Social life comes first always :)

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If there was going to be an expansion this year, they probably would have said so in the roadmap.


Well I suspect they won't release an official expansion this year but there will be more content I hope and whether it's an expansion or a big content patch with things like new ops and such, the point is the same: don't do it just before x-mas.


I love this game but BW is unable to bring out a patch without issues that are really problematic. So really, they need to accept that themselves and realise they need to release content earlier like October.


Clearly for x-mas all they need to do is some event(s) and some stuff at the cm. It's not a good time for them to release content cause it will cause problems. This has to be treated as a given, sad as it may sound.

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