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what's best for PvE annihilation carnage or fury

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I just leveled my Marauder from 10-50 as Carnage. I really enjoyed it. It has great burst damage, but also a lot of abilities that are geared towards sustaining your damage over the duration of a fight. Fury is considered the most "bursty" spec if I recall correctly, some call it the PvP spec but I'm sure its fine in PvE as well. I haven't played Annihilation, though from what I have heard it took a bigger nerf hit than the other specs.


I suggest Carnage, its fairly simple to use and to learn which abilities should be priorities, it has really good burst but can also pump out decent-good sustained damage when you aren't in burst mode.


As for what is considered the best, I don't know.

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wait for the next patch, in general treat the specs like any other dps: sustained or burst. depending on how much you have to switch decide, anyway playing the class you'll be more comfortable both changing and doing the same fight on different trees.
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Genreally speaking, Annihilation will put up the best numbers, as most DoT-sustain specs tend to do. Only 2 fights i can think of where Anni might actually not be the ideal spec would be Underlurker and Revanite Commanders in ToS Because of the adds. Never really tried Fury so cant comment on that much
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Annihilation is great! I am a little weary of the next patch though. The two fights that were listed as being difficult for AN was Underluker and Revanite Commanders. I disagree with Underlurker *IF* the AN Mara is able to stay on Lurker the entire time with the MT because of the Beserk healing will help MT with heals and make it easier on raid healers.


My biggest frustration with AN at the moment is Force Leap. It is a great ability and great for generating Rage. The AN spec reduces its range to 0 meters. The problem with it is on certain bosses, like Revan's burn phase, when you use Force Leap, it actually causes you to get knocked back every time you use it. I think this is a bug that will probably never be addressed unfortunately.


However, I think Carnage is the most fun class. It is incredibly fast paced with the only channeled ability being Ravage. As long as you have enough Rage to make it thru every Gore window, you will do just fine DPS. It arguably has the greatest burst DPS in the game. It is great for ads that are bunched up by an OT as well. You can fit in 3 sweeping slash's in a Gore window with the increased Utility and take down ads very fast!

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