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What is being done with the credit seller whispers?


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Is this the end of swtor? When the player can get 5-6 botted buy cheap credits whispers a hour. This usually means the developer is seeking quantity not quality of game before they pull the plug. Seemly allow bots, spamming of anti ToS activities as in buying and/or selling game items as readily as I see in swtor. And I, just about played every MMO out there from OU, AC to the modern MMO.


Furthermore, I don't see a lot new material in the updates other than end game quickies.


  • When are they extending class missions beyond level 50? 50 feels like anti climatic
  • Where is the companion improvements as in getting stuck or stopping healing or abillities, wardrobe slots(seeing that the Yavin companion sets are mere the player 192 elite sets and not moddable to gut)
  • When will they look at the Stun fest PvP, and promote team play other than this stun-locking rambo ignoring objectives. Often the latter is for who can't afford the 14.99 as kids.
  • Even the OPs or Raids are seem rushed these days. Boss fights are contist of stand at X pounding our fist on our keyboards then move to Y and pound some more. Players should be able beat a boss by various ways(not by a glitch) and not exculsively by video game dexerity. Often a product of low cost development, cheap and quick.


This post is not a "This stinks, I quit post" However I am concerned in the bare minimum development from it being free to play, lack of resources from subs, will in fact slowly kills a MMO as swtor.

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I would really like something to happen. with FTP, anyone can make a bot account and spam everyone. As a paying subscriber, I want the credit spamming to stop. I know where to buy creds if I ever get too lazy to get them myself. I am pretty sure most people know by now, where they can go buy creds if they wanted some.


I would encourage people with opinions on solutions to credit spammers to post. Perhaps SWTOR should underbid these peeps and sell creds for cash...yeah, its stupid IMO but some people would pay money for it, and I am all about SWTOR getting the profit than someone else. Goes to building new content n such.

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SIGNED! I hate the credit spammers. The ONLY players I have on my ignore lists are the credit spammers. I play solo and every time I log on I begin by reading the chat for a few minutes to determine what groups are forming, etc. But it is literally hard to ready when the credit spams move the column up every 3 seconds with a spam that takes 1/3 of the chat window.


Also, it just FEELS cheap. Like the private world that I pay to be a part of, is invaded by people who are not playing the game with me or at all. They are playing the numbers game, trying to hook a sucker, trying to make money. They are not here for the game at all..


It may not be the case, BioWare, but I feel like this is not only sanctioned by BioWare, but even encouraged, and that makes me sad. Like the credit spammer are "just as important" as I am. I have a sub since 2013 and play almost daily. I want to believe that I am valued more than the spammers, but I do not feel like it when they take over the chat.


I literally frown every time I see a credit spam in chat. <: (

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