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6+ Months Later, How Is Ravagers still bugged???


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I bought a new car. Whenever I put the key in and turn it, the starter engages but the engine never runs.


In the real world, that's all the details I need to give my dealership. They don't tell me that before they can even begin to diagnose the issue, I need to specify the colour of my shirt, the volume of coffee in my travel mug, the station that the radio was on, the brand of my underwear and the order in which I put on my shoes that morning.


When something is broken, it is broken, FIX IT!

You are oversimplifying things. Firstly, a car engine is laughably simple compared to a complex piece of computer software. A bit of searching suggests that an internal combusion engine has on the order of 1000 parts. That's few enough for a single person to understand. Even a moderately complex game can have hundreds of thousands of lines; SW:TOR probably has millions. No single person can understand all of that (well, maybe there's a handful of people in the world that could, but they don't work for Bioware). And due to employee turnover, there are likely to be parts of the code that no one understands.


Secondly, it's not just broken. It's only broken for some people, and only some of the time. I've never ran into that particular bug, and the OP himself said he was able to complete the operation just days before. To understand the nature of the problem, the conditions need to be sorted out.


This one time, I got a bug report for a game I was developing. The game would crash when pressing the exit button. However, it only happened if the level was already completed and the ending animation was playing - that's an approximately one-second window. It wouldn't have occurred to me to press the exit button at that time, and the bug would probably have been left unresolved if the user didn't report that little detail.


I'm also curious about your use of the words "the real world". Are you suggesting that software companies exist in some sort of alternate reality?

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