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Stat Priority Question


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Have a Commando I just got from 55-60. Played him as Gunnery for a number of years. Just came back post 3.0 after a long absence.


I've tried to look up my own answers and have mainly defaulted to the guide I found on Dulfy. I need some advice from the pros.


I understand Accuracy and Alacrity priority. Questions are (in 192 level Armors and Weapon with Augs)


1. Crit--It says we benefit from a high level of Crit. However, I can't get an exact number other than a rating of 400+. If in fact this is correct, how much over 400 is enough to be efficient?


The stats from Resurrected pieces are VERY Crit heavy. They seem a bit TOO Crit Heavy.


2. Surge--What should we be aiming for in 192 gear?


3. Bonus Damage--about how much should we be seeing again in 192 gear?


Thanks for your advice.



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