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Tom and Siraka- when you guys are on your bombers, can you name the type 1 strike pilots that just tear you apart?


Barondeathmark (Purplefont?) is the only one that comes to mind. There aren't many good Starguard pilots that actually use them in serious games.

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Rama played a proton build that could basically deny hellside to the bomber by threatening protons, but it was part of a team assault. Certainly, the careful positioning and weapon choice was not rewarded by the tuning of the components, though it was interesting.


The situation described, where a starguard strips the shields with 3km ions and then follows up with two to three concussions, is not one I see.


Well, a proton strike build is really more psychological warfare than genuine threat. In most cases it's quicker to just kill with the HLCs than to worry about getting a good lock.


I've hit Drako with torpedoes, but when I do I generally assume that he was either being nice to me or was AFK to get a snack or something. That's about how reliable torps are against a good pilot in a ship with zero missile breaks.


Also worth noting that with any source of healing that's better than Hydrospanner a bomber can tank 1-2 sources of proton torpedoes as long as they're LOSing a fair number of the locks.


If you're in a hurry to kill a bomber with a strike HCLs + Concussion + Bypass is the way to go. Ion Cannon to strip shields if you get the chance, but you should be shooting those first 3-4 km with the medium range stuff if you really want to get things done fast. With a Retro Thrusters build Ion Cannon first can work nicely too, but that can get a bit dangerous if it's in close quarters. In theory the T3's Thermite + Quads combo is also really good, but in practice that requires hitting the d@mn bomber with a torp that's even more of a pain to lock than a p-torp.



The T3 has a niche in serious play as the healer that doesn't have to worry about the repair ability getting shot down.


The T1 can be useful with HLCs and Ion Cannons, but it needs to be on the team that has enough surplus pressure on the opposing team so the strike is a fairly low priority target. Screaming for peels over VOIP also tends to help if reliable peels are available.


Oh, also bait. Strikes tend to be regarded as free kills, so sometimes you can get in a strike and lure people out of their little fortified positions and get them exposed for friendly scouts and GSs.

Edited by Ramalina
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I've hit Drako with torpedoes, but when I do I generally assume that he was either being nice to me or was AFK to get a snack or something. That's about how reliable torps are against a good pilot in a ship with zero missile breaks.


If I'm still at full health I've often just tanked a proton if it was going to net in killing an enemy Bomber on the node I'm fighting. I find the 871 hull damage worth it if said proton is the only thing threatening me.

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Barondeathmark (Purplefont?) is the only one that comes to mind. There aren't many good Starguard pilots that actually use them in serious games.

I'll second that. Barondeathmark really is good in a T1 strike. I've only flown gunships and scouts against him, but he's tough. I asked him about it once, why he flies a T1 strike. He said he's been flying it as his main ship since beta, knows it inside and out, knows its limits, and flies accordingly. I always keep an eye on him in matches. Aside from him and a couple who used to fly on BC, I've seen no other T1 strike pilots who flew them seriously and did it well.


- Despon

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Since everyone is talking about him I just thought I should mention that Barondeathmark is Viisas aka Mastercardd and Shrapbombspam from The Bastion.


I've been playing with and vs him since the game came out and while I agree he is the best Rycer/Starguard player I've faught, he still doesn't give my Razorwire/Rampart anything near the pressure the more "meta" builds do.

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