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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Imperial Reclamation Service Uniform

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do they even have a uniform?


Yes, its the plain gray military top with the dark beige pants.


Talos Drelik comes in one by default, there is a Imperial Reclamation NPC on Yavin that gives a daily mission, and they are all over Belsavis, including one of the daily missions.

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i see i assumed they worse standard imperial uniforms ie the clandestine officer outfit.


No, that one's for senior or special officers.


Good to wear if you want to prove you're an archaeologist, and not a fighter.


Or an healer... :)


I would suggest using the Clandestine boots, belt, gloves, and cuffs, the Canderous Ordo pants (no black patches on the sides but no matter), the Hooligan jacket (be aware that worn Rep-side it's not Imperial-apparent), as for headgear, I don't have an answer, sorry.


Edit: Medium Brown (with any secondary colour is fine) Dye Module for the Hooligan pants you should get (black stripe and appropriate colouring result) but the colour should match the IRS uniform seen worn by NPCs. Secondary Medium Gray Dye Module for the Hooligan jacket (gets rid of the red tabs) and unify everything but the pants. Keep the clandestine officer's belt if you like, or use the covert energy one; either is fine, and best worked with Medicine Operative.


This is also the only non-force-sensitive character I have with archaeology as a crew skill, google "Vavia'a Progenitor" to find pictures.

Edited by sentientomega
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