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acrobatic animation


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Hey Just a thought but what with ataru supposed to be the acrobatic spec Maybe next time we get new abilities we get a tweaked version of that jump to nearest opponent then jump to next nearest opponent and back to original opponent animation we see npc's do all the time maybe with the overhead slash and impale animation spliced in? That would be awesome!
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Yeah I know Juyo gets the point blank force charge.


This was just something I was thinking about after geeking up last night and reading about ataru being the form that was SUPPOSED to have a lot of acrobatic moves. Think Yoda's fighting style during his light saber fights with Count Dooku. The animation with the leap from one opponent to the next and back again is used be many Npc's in the latter part of the game and no player ac's use it so I was suggesting making it available to players next time there is an ability added.

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Yeah I know Juyo gets the point blank force charge.


This was just something I was thinking about after geeking up last night and reading about ataru being the form that was SUPPOSED to have a lot of acrobatic moves. Think Yoda's fighting style during his light saber fights with Count Dooku. The animation with the leap from one opponent to the next and back again is used be many Npc's in the latter part of the game and no player ac's use it so I was suggesting making it available to players next time there is an ability added.


I believe the concept is supposed to stem from the idea of Ataru being more agile... based on the Alacrity bonus that Zen provides (in combination to the laughable 3% if you think that's significant at any point) grants you a lot of speed... calling any spec from Sentinel 'acrobatic' is a joke at best.

Ironically enough, Guardian's have more acrobatic skills that we do... ... another thing to add to the "Guardians have more than us" bucket list -.-'

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I believe the concept is supposed to stem from the idea of Ataru being more agile... based on the Alacrity bonus that Zen provides (in combination to the laughable 3% if you think that's significant at any point) grants you a lot of speed... calling any spec from Sentinel 'acrobatic' is a joke at best.

Ironically enough, Guardian's have more acrobatic skills that we do... ... another thing to add to the "Guardians have more than us" bucket list -.-'


Nah The alacrity is a new addition circa 3.0, Carnage / combat got accuracy before as a passive and zen / berserk just reduced the cost of abilities. The concept stemmed from just the descriptions of the ataru stance that are our there.. like this.

Ataru is the name given to the movements of this form—though it is aggressive, it is focused, and its best use is in combat against a single opponent." ―Zez-Kai Ell[src]


Form IV, also known as Ataru, the Way of the Hawk-Bat, or The Aggression Form, was the fourth of the seven forms of lightsaber combat. The history of Ataru stretched back through the Old Republic, to at least as early as the Mandalorian Wars, where it was commonly employed by Jedi of that day. Ataru continued to be a common form among the Jedi in the latter stages of the Republic, and was also known to be employed by the Sith.


An aggressive style, Form IV was fast-paced and effective against single opponents, though weaker in prolonged combat and confined spaces. Also, it was not recommended for use against opponents wielding blasters. Ataru was characterized by Force-assisted acrobatics, such as somersaults and leaping strikes, both for attack and defense. Another characteristic of the form was its fast, powerful strikes from multiple directions. Notable users of this combat form during the Old Republic included Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn. The New Jedi Order preserved knowledge of Ataru and Jedi Masters such as Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade Skywalker, and Kyle Katarn all employed it.



Edited by Bryanseven
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Personally the lore descriptions of Ataru feels more like how Watchman plays, while the burstiness in Combat matches more to Juyo's lore descriptions.


Exactly, I would love it if the developers actually decided to READ THE LORE OF THE UNIVERSE for the game they are creating... No Jedi/Sith would ever use Form I as an actual combat form unless they are new to the way of the lightsaber. And even if they did, Fury/Concentration and Focus/Rage have no ability that even remotely relates to the signature ability of the Shii-Cho form, Disarming Slash. Although, it does use the "Sarlacc Sweep" in the moves, Force Sweep/Smash. Fury/Concentration should use the Jar'Kai stance for their main stance, while Focus/Rage should use Makashi or Djem So forms (depending on which is more appropriate)


Juyo form should be solely for Jedi, and instead the Vaapad form be put into the Sith, as the Vaapad form is based in the dark side of the force.


Ataru form or Combat/Carnage spec should get some overhauls to make it more lore oriented in the form of removing Close Combat from the Watchman Spec, and adding it to Combat. Gore/Precision Slash replaced with Brutal Leap/Leaping Strike as, Precision Slash fits actually more in the lore of the Assured Strike in the Juyo/Vaapad form. Brutal Leap/Leaping Strike would work like Overhead Slash in a way, but without the burn, so more front loaded damage, and would give a 5% Alacrity buff for 6s, and it would have the same CD as Gore previously did 12s. This would be more lore straight, as Ataru Form is acrobatic and fast.

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Thank you Kaoskid for getting what I was talking about. I personally Would like it if they replaced the devastating blast animation with a leaping and slashing one, but with how broken force charge's animation is sometimes I am sure this would be awkward.
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