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Far too many button push passives


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This class is a mess..... just to attack something I have to hit 1000 passives first. Who designed this? So many passive buttons to hit like 'overload saber' or 'precision' depending on spec.... no other class in the game has stupid skills like this just to do their damage! Worst class design in the whole game. I want to push a button to attack not self buff for no reason.
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This class is a mess..... just to attack something I have to hit 1000 passives first. Who designed this? So many passive buttons to hit like 'overload saber' or 'precision' depending on spec.... no other class in the game has stupid skills like this just to do their damage! Worst class design in the whole game. I want to push a button to attack not self buff for no reason.


I have no problems with that, that is something that makes sent/mara unique. The problem is that it used to be rewarding, now it's just more difficult. Pre3.0 Watchman and Combat were the hardest specs ofthe game but they were worth it. (Watchman was easy to play but hard to master) Personally I'd prefer harder gameplay with bigger dps output. That's what sent/mara is supposed to be about.

P.S.: other classes have offGCD passives they need for higher dps, too (Illegal mods, Mental alacrity and so on)

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At the moment we are looking forward to a patch that will effectivly remove any Sentinels/Marauders who had somehow managed to stay in endgame after the consecutive and idiotic patches 3.0 and the following included. As of 3.2.1. a Sentinel will not be able to run anykind of Endgame content on a competitive level. 100% of the important People in the community agree on that.
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This class is a mess..... just to attack something I have to hit 1000 passives first. Who designed this? So many passive buttons to hit like 'overload saber' or 'precision' depending on spec.... no other class in the game has stupid skills like this just to do their damage! Worst class design in the whole game. I want to push a button to attack not self buff for no reason.


TBH I do not find the number of abilities to be excessive, except for watchman but that is an issue with number of available gcd's

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