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An Idea for PVP


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I think there should be a score count for guilds (like in conquest) for how many PVP wins the guild gets, like when one person wins a PVP match, their guild will get 1 point to their score, and at the end of the season the guild with the most wins in unranked or ranked PVP gets 10% bonus to XP or credit drops from monsters.


The scores should be displayed on a board in the PVP area of the fleet for each faction and so at the end of the season it would be 1 guild from each faction that gets the bonus.


I think this would encourage more people to get into PVP and more people to start playing ranked warzones.


And whichever faction gets the most wins should also get a bonus or something, and next season the faction who lost would get 10% extra damage in warzones or something to balance it out

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