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Feels like a child wrote the "shadow of revan" DLC


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Lana and Theron were compelling characters that I actually care about ...

Ahh but you see, Lana and Theron are precisely the problem from a writing/storytelling point of view. While their likeability is entirely subjective, they are cop-outs as plot-devices.


What is compelling about the class stories is that for better or for worse, they put YOU in the centre of things. Your actions and decisions, however scripted they may be, push the story forward. All we need is a dose of suspension of disbelief and we are all right there, living the story.


But Lana and Theron? They just tell you what's going on and tell you what to do. Your feelings, actions and decisions are all afterthoughts to what they say, you are always reacting to their scripted dialogues, one or several steps behind the action. They themselves are not inconsequential, mind you, and that is the problem. They are the engine that drives the story and you are on the outside.


Very bad story design for an rpg.

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Ahh but you see, Lana and Theron are precisely the problem from a writing/storytelling point of view. While their likeability is entirely subjective, they are cop-outs as plot-devices.


What is compelling about the class stories is that for better or for worse, they put YOU in the centre of things. Your actions and decisions, however scripted they may be, push the story forward. All we need is a dose of suspension of disbelief and we are all right there, living the story.


But Lana and Theron? They just tell you what's going on and tell you what to do. Your feelings, actions and decisions are all afterthoughts to what they say, you are always reacting to their scripted dialogues, one or several steps behind the action. They themselves are not inconsequential, mind you, and that is the problem. They are the engine that drives the story and you are on the outside.


Very bad story design for an rpg.


Well said, I agree.

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