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[BUG] Companion mission window displays incorrectly


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My companion window suddenly shows with incorrect companions grayed out for sending on missions. I just turned level 39 on my Jedi sage. I stopped between missions to send out the 3 allowed companions on gathering missions (bioanalysis). I sent out Theran Cedrax, as usual. I selected a mission to send out C2-N2 and he showed up as gray, unable to send out. I then sent out Treek, no problem. After Treek took a mission she remained white on my list of companions available to send out.


I ctrl-u'd twice. Still the same. I tried to send out Treek again and apparently I did so... no message appeared saying that she couldn't go out on another mission and her name still appears white on my companion list. I have a total of 4 companions including Qyzen. Currently 1 is out on mission (Theran) and 2 are still showing as available even though Treek's bar is full and counting down on the first mission she accepted.


(Note: prior to hitting 39 I sent out three companions on gathering bioanalysis missions no problem. I do not have any rewards pending.)

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